Chapter One Christina

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It was a cold winters night when it all happened. I was at a large party with lots of under aged drinking and drug use. They all came down at once, the extraterrestrial life forms, we call them crawlers. Most of us were taken or killed. Every one was too drunk or stoned to even react. Only a few of us survived. That was three years ago, and we're still on the run. The Earths population died by two thirds in the first night. The last time we found survivors was two years ago. We are the last ones left.

At the moment there's only thirty of us and five of us I've know since before it all started. Blake, my best friend is the leader of our group. He dose a very good job at it too. When ever some one gets possessed by an alien, he's always the strongest one who offers to put them down. We have lost too many, too many of our own from the original group.

"Yo Christina!" Blake calls as he runs up to me "the away team is back with more food, we need some more arms to help carry everything." Blake was taller than me, by a lot. His shaggy black hair made his bright blue eyes glow. Ever since he found a razor he's been shaving his face so he doesn't look like Gandalf. He was wearing his usual jeans and dirty white shirt.

He took my navy blue beanie off my head leaving me with hat hair. He put it on his head and poked his tongue out and ran off back to the ute. I had no other option but to follow him.

At the moment we're staying in a cement factory half and hours drive from New York. We were originally in Washington but we kept on moving to get away from the crawlers.

The crawlers look like giant blue spiders that were four meters wide and tall. There legs were ombré from blue to black and along there backs were black inscriptions that look like a kind of language. They speak in clicking noises from their mouths/pincers.

I followed Blake to the dirty white Toyota ute filled with creates full of food and water cartons. Three people got out of the ute; Jacob, a tall, balled, chocolate skinned man in dirty overalls and an orange shirt, he was in his thirties, he lead all of the away teams and had more sass than all the house wives put together, Charley, a short Latino, fifteen year old girl with long brown curly hair pulled into a high pony tail in tan jeans and a black shirt, two sizes to large and no one messed with Charley, she fort a mean fight and lastly Leonardo, a tall, blonde man in his early twenties, he was our weapons and explosives expert, he wore jeans and a dirty pink shirt.

Blake quickly ran up to Leonardo and pulled him away from everyone to speak to him privately. Leonardo handed Blake a brown paper bag which had something in it, I couldn't make out. After Blake walked back towards the ute, Thomas, Leonardos boyfriend ran into Leonardos arms. They kissed a couple of times and hugged.

Once we had carried all the creates and cartons to the large shed we had taken as our base for a few nights, Sophia, our medic, checked up everyone while Stewie, our cook, made up a nice broth to go with some bread. Only four people of our group were aged five to ten, there was only one infant and one of our women was pregnant, the res of us were fifteen to mid forties.

It was almost sunset when Blake took me up to one of the storage containers roofs. We sat and watched the sky infested with crawler space ships.

"Happy eighteenth" Blake handed me the brown bag that Leonardo gave him earlier.

"Oh my god... It is, thanks" I open the bag, inside was a bottle of lemonade and a chocolate muffin. I hug him.

"I got Leonardo to get me it for you" the pink of the sunset highlighted all the details on his face. Blake had been my best friend since we were younger. Ever since I had met Blake he had been into hunting and guns, he still is. He was teaching me how to use a gun, I'm okay with a gun, it's just keeping the aim strait while firing and the after shock of the firing, I still fall over. I'm just keeping to my knives.

I spilt the muffin in half and offer it to Blake "what? No, it's your birthday, you have it."

"Yeah, my birthday, my rules" I place half of the muffin in his large hands. "Did you make a wish?" He asks with a mouthful of muffin.

"I wished that these stupid crawlers would return to their own planet and leave ours alone."

"I feel ya" he lays back, with his legs dangling over the edge. I open the bottle of lemonade and take a drink. I missed lemonade so much. More than I realised. I took another drink. A moan of approval escapes my lips.

"Blake try this" I hand him the bottle. He took a sip, realised how good it was than took a mouthful of it.

"That is good" he handed me back the bottle. We took turns drinking the bottle of lemonade. "Hey, let's practice your shooting" he took the bottle and jumped down from the storage container and placed the bottles on a tree stump a few meters away. From there he ran put to the storage container, jumped, pushing up from the ground then pushing up from the side of the storage container and grabbed the top edge and pulled himself up on top of the storage container.

"Wow, parkour simulator Blake edition" I applauded.

"Thank you, thank you" he bows "now stand up."

I stood up and pulled my gun out from behind my jeans. I hold it how Blake told me to and aim it towards the bottled. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around mine, holing my hands were they were on the gun "hey, I got this."

"Sorry" he hold up his hands in offence. I shoot the bottle, the bottle shatters and I didn't fall backwards. "Wow, did you get better over night or something?"

"I just had a good teacher, that's all" we laugh. There was a rustle from behind one of the large bushes. Blake pulls out his gun from behind his jeans and we both aim towards the bushes. A form appears from behind the bushes. It was two humans.

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