Chapter Nine Blake

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We got out of the car with our hands behind our heads. My dirty white shirt was still around my neck as we slowly walked towards the group of women. The women were aged fifteen to forty-ish.

The woman in front, in the middle had short black hair, reaching to below her earlobes. She was taller than Christina by a bit and wore a pair of black boots, jeans and a plaid shirt. All up her right ear were sleeper/ small whoop, earrings and black eye liner, lined her grey eyes. She looked as though she was in her early twenties or late teens.

"Forward" she called us.

"We mean you no harm" Christina spoke up. Two other women came ford and stood by us while two other women searched the car.

The leader came closer to us "have you been in contact with a group with a leader by the name of Rusty?" She asked.

"Yes, we escaped yesterday. The rest of our group is back there" Christina said glancing over at me. I raised an eyebrow towards her.

"How many?"

"Twenty-nine, last time we checked" Christina lowered her arms, flooding them over her chest.

"You will both come back to our base with us. Although the boy will have to be under surveillance. You see, our group doesn't trust men even though we still have to live with them. But you" she gestured to Christina "we could use some muscle like yours. Do you have any knowledge on guns? Speaking of guns, hand them over" she held out her hand.

"Plenty. I had a good teacher" Christina handed her gun over, ignoring me looking at her. Good teacher. I guess I was a good teacher.

"Are there any other women in your group?"

"Yes, very strong women with plenty of useful muscle" Christina placed her hands on her hips.

"You know I'm strong and I have plenty of muscle" I but in, tensing my muscles.

"Funny, I don't see any" the woman's eyes trail up and down my torso.

Christina laughed "your pretty funny, watch your name?"

"I'm Anne and these are my warriors. And you are?"

"I'm Christina and this is Blake."

"Well Christina, Blake, follow us. Your vehicle will follow behind, driven by one of my trust warriors" we followed the large group with two women point their guns at our backs.

We walked for another hour, heading away from New York. Mine and Christina's destination. There wasn't even a house in sight.

"Are we there yet?" I moaned.

"You are a stubborn child" Anne said "why are you half naked, boy?"

"Because I'm sexy and everyone can't keep there eyes off this hot bod" Christina laughed at my comment.

"No not really. Your rather skinny and pathetic" Anne smiled.

"Blake, just keep your mouth closed or you'll be burned worse than toast" Christina poked my side.

We continued to walk in silence for another hour or two until a large cement wall blocked off a small town.

"Home sweet home" Anne sighed, gazing at the blocked off town. As we got closer, you could see two large iron doors, leading into the town.

"There back!" People screamed from behind the large, cement walls.

"We have prisoners and their vehicle!" Anne yelled over the iron doors that were slowly opening.

In side the doors was a long row of houses going vertically. There were rows upon rows of houses. Eight to be exact.

"What's your population?" I asked Anne.

"One hundred and twelve" she said leading us down the middle road, towards a large building that was four storeys high. It must have been their storage building.

The car drove into the garage door, into the large building. We walked in after it. The building was rather large and grey, but mostly full of shelves.

The shelves ranged from food to trinkets to car pieces that were to rusty or broken to work.

"Would you like me to take to prisoners to the cell block Anne?" One of the girls asked, blushing looking over towards me.

"Yes, you may" Anne said before stock the shelves up with tins from the duffle bags that the girls on patrol carried. "You can also take dinner to them in four hours time."

The girl lead us to another building a little further down. The girl looked about fifteen maybe sixteen with freckles all over her nose and cheeks, black winged eyeliner green eyes and long red hair, tied into a high pony tail with a black bandana tied, as a head band.

She locked us in a three meter squared concrete cell with a bottle of water. "I'll be back with dinner in four hours time" she said stood in front of the bars that separated us from her.

I stood in front of her, with my Arms crossed above my head as I leant against the bars. "Thank you. I'll see you in four hours time" I said as her face turned bright red.

"Uh... I uhhh.... Gee... Huhhh... Is there anything else I can help with?" She studded.

"Yes" Christina butted in "where are all the men? I haven't seen any around."

"The men babysit, cook, work in the storage and we have a small, all male hunting group which should be home soon" he face turned back to her pale skin tone. "Tomorrow Anne will interrogate you about Rusty and his group. In the mean time you will rest. I'll leave you to it then" she said before exiting.

"Well look who's all flirty, flirty, huh?" Christina said sitting down in the far corner, smiling.

"Why? You jealous?" I smiled back, crossing my arms across my chest and leaning against the bar wall. Christina was hard to read, so I wasn't sure whether she was or wasn't.

She shook her head before looking away "wake me up when dinners here" she curled up in a ball, leaning into the corner. I sat next to her and draped my dirty white shirt over her body before putting my arm around her. She snuggled into my arm before falling asleep. After a while I did too.

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