Chapter Three Christina

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When I woke up, Blake's jacket was draped over me. Blake was asleep on the bench, with his head leant against the wall. He was a very peaceful sleeper, even when we were little. I picked up his jacket and hung it over his shoulders, so that it covered his chest. His arms shifted so that the were under his jacket. He exhaled deeply and his breath turned white in the cold.
I was the first one up in the group. My teeth chattered in the cold frost morning, I had to get use to the cold, it was only going to get colder. Blake was still wearing my beanie, I wasn't going to wake him. I turned around to go for a walk around the shed, to see if everyone was sleeping okay.

"Chris..." I turn to see Blake with his blue eyes half open "don't go" more white breath left his lips. I sat down next to him. He curled up to me, resting his head on my shoulder, like he did when he was little. I rested the back of my ice cold fingers against his cheek, he shivered and exhaled more white breath. "Don't leave me, Chris..." He exhaled, falling back asleep.

I sat with him for a bit longer until Jacob got up. Jacob started packing our stuff up, ready for the days travel ahead. I desperately wanted to go for a walk, I stood up, shifting Blake from his position. "Don't go Chris..." He sleepily opened his eyes.

"I'm just going for a walk" I carefully take my beanie off his head.

"Take this then" he held up his large bomber jacket. I slipped his jacket over my grey hoodie.

"Thanks" I ruffle his hair.

"It's too early for games Chris" he pushes my hand away grumpily. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the shed. The shed was ten meters high and twenty meters long with a fifteen meter width. The grass made a crackle sound as the thin layer of ice broke under my army boots. A thin layer of sleet laid on the roofs of all the storage containers and sheds. My breath turned white like Blake's did.

After a fifteen minute walk I found where Stewie and Jacob hid Teds body. His body was frozen solid and his skin was tinted a light blue. I heard screams coming from the shed we stayed in, than the long shriek of a Crawler. As fast as I could, I ran to the shed. At the door of the shed, the large Crawler was trying to get past Stewie, Jacob and Blake, who each had a spear pointed towards the beast. The Crawler grabbed a hold of Jennifer, one of our survivors, and with one of its legs it made a deep gash in her leg, then placed the cut to its mouth, as a white substance left its mouth and entered the cut. Her eyes were wide and full of pain. Her pupils started to enlarge, until it covered her whole eyes.

Without hesitation I jumped on the Crawlers back. It moved awkwardly. "CHRISTINA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Blake yelled. I pulled out a long knife from my boot and decapitated the beast, sending me, falling to the floor and black blood squirting out from the body where the head was chopped off. Blake dropped his spear and ran to my aid "Christina are you okay?" There was worry in his voice. He held the sides of my face looking into my eyes, making sure I wasn't turning. His eyes traveled up and down my body, searching for injuries.

"I'm fine, I just fell on my ankle, that's all" I hold my left ankle. He quickly unlaced by boot and carefully pulled it off. Sophia came over with a first aid kit. She felt around my ankle with me replying in Ouches.

"It's nothing, you just rolled your ankle. It will heal in a few days. Don't put too much pressure on it or it will take longer to heal. And no shoes on that foot" she uses two halves of a wooden ruler and a strip of fabric to make a splint. I put my sock over the splint to keep my foot warm.

There was a loud bang from a gun as Jacob ended Jennifer's misery. Blake placed his arms under my knees and back, about to pick me up "hey" I stop him, placing my hand on his chest "I can walk, I just can't put pressure on my left foot" I hold my boot and use Blake's shoulders to push my self up. Blake stood up with me holding his hands out, steadying me without touching me. I was half way taking my first step when I fell face first to the floor, I held my hands out, stopping my face from hitting the concrete floor. I rolled onto my back "UGH! I hate not being able to walk" I stressfully run my hands through my hair as I sit up.

"Need a hand?" Blake asks kneeling down next to me. I nod exhaling deeply. He picks me up in his arms "comfy?" He asks, I nod my head slowly. "Don't worry Chris, were nearly at New York. Just a half days walk."

"Yeah, walk" I say sarcastically.

"Hey, don't fret" he walks me inside and sits me on the wooden bench. "I'll help pack, you just sit there and rest" he rolls up the yoga mat I slept on.

"I hate resting" I lean back and cross my arms "I shouldn't have left. I should have stayed like you said."

"What? No, no, without you, we wouldn't have killed the crawler."

"Yeah but, we lost Jennifer" tears come to my eyes. I breath deeply to get rid of the tears.

"We loose people all the time. But it's weird because our original five, haven't died yet, except for Jennifer, five minutes ago. Now there's only us and Lilly and George left" we both sit silently until Jacob breaks the silence.

"Time to go guys."

Earths SurrenderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora