my energy for you

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"Come on dad stay, why leave i go back to high school tomorrow" i said wilst i ran to te door to block it. I was sobbing my eyes out when i heard my mum and dad arguing this morning, I woke up to asound of shouting, obviously my dad. i didnt know what it was about but I tried to ignore it but i failed.

"Tia i cant just stay when you mother has just cheated on me with that jerk" he pointed in the direction of my mums boss and now her new lover,i wish she never cheated on my dad then it would of been all happy families." Tia are you coming with me or are you staying hear?" He asked with a questing face and heartbreak in his cristal blue eyes.

I replied simply" Im coming with you im not staying hear with that bitch" I said with anger, her eyes widened when i said 'bitch' and she started to sob even more but did i care? HELL NO she cheated on my dad she deserves this.

"Tia go and get your stuff theres a suitcase in your closet and we will be off ok " he said with a smirk on his face and his face full with anger, at that time I got from the door and ran up to the 3rd floor of her house four floor house, and went to my room i took the suitcase out of my closet and started to pack.

First i packed bras and under garments, then tops and then pants i went to my onsuite and took everything out of there, then i walked back into my bedroom and looked at my mirror, looked at all the pictures that have been stuck on it and all the big wrighting in red lipstick, they say ' love you all the world sweatie bum'.

I smiled to myself and then remembered i havent packed sheos or makeup, before i could get to pack the things  i scrapped away the dry tear staines from my face and then put the things and put them in the suitcase, after i did that i got up and ran down staires.

"Tia take as much money as you want because we arnt coming back hear again"my dad sid from the car and so i did i took £6.000.000 out of the safe and walked out to the livingroom, i saw my mum and her 'lover' hugging on the couch, she was sobbing her eyes out and when i saw them i snarled like a dog dose to a dirty cat.

mum jumped as i groweled at them, she was sepriced at my dicision to leave, and i wanted to leave ever since she forgot when my birthday was, the day of my birthday.


it was my 15th birthday, i didnt have that many friends but i still wanted a party so i organiced one with all my friends, i went to tell my mum on my birthday and remembered she never wished me one all day and she didnt give me anything only my dad did.

how could she forget er only daughter who lived with her ( yes i have 2 sisters and 1 brother) birthday that is shameful isnt it, and i have never forgiven her for it and she still thinks im 16, no im not im 17 and she needs to know that, i hate her for everything, i dont even want to look at her any more than my dad dose,

*end of flash back******************

i snaped out of my world and ran to the car and greated my dad.

"hi dad" i said and jumped in the car.

"hey sweetie" he said with a smile

"hey  dad where are we going to stay tonight?" i asked raising the curiosity inside of me.

"already got that sorted" he said answing my question.

"collio"i replied

"before you ask why i havd it sorted, it is because if it had happened you know me and your mum braking up i would have a place and if you moved with me i have a room alredy for you"he said answering my other uestion that was burning in the back of my head, is he sickic or something.

30 minutes later

we pulled up to the house of my dreams it was beautiful, it had a beautiful meddow as a backgarden an lovely forest next to us, and a lovly view of the town that we lived in.

we went inside and my mouth was hanging to the ground at the look of the frist floor 3 story house libary, games room, kitchen, dining room, living room, and a cinima room.

"dad can you show me to my room please" i asked nicely and so he did...................

to be continued................................



sorry havent spelt cheaked and sorry the h botton isent as working as good so that might be why aswel and coz im crap at spelling and sorry it is short ill try and have it sorted shortly

hope you enjoied it all 

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will update shortlyxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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