Spill the Beans

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Half of this chapter was written by Dawn, and I am sorry if the ending seems sorta...bleh. But I have no idea how she wanted to end this, and yes Dawn is still in the hospital, she wrote half of this before the accident. Well Read on.

I took a deep breath, slowly opening my mouth as the word came spilling out of me quickly.

"ImadeadealwithBillCipherandnowhelivesinmyheadandi'mgonnagonowbeforeyousayanythingokaybye!" I turn and try to walk away until I hear the loud voices of both my Gruncles. "Hey! Get back here!" I flinch at the loud voices.

I hesitantly turn around slowly, looking at the floor. Suddenly my shoes seemed like the most interesting thing in the world. "What the heck did you say kid? Maybe talk a little bit slower so we can understand you." Stan spoke, his face showing confusion and impatience.

I gulp, afraid to repeat myself. I could feel the guilt rising up inside me, the guilt of keeping the secret for too long. I really don't want to "spill the beans" but I can feel myself giving into the pressure. My mouth seems to have opened on its own as slow, quiet word slip out.

"I......Bill......he....head...." I mumble, my head hung low as my brown hair falls over my eyes slightly. "What was that kid? You really need to learn how to speak English, or I gotta learn to fix my hearing aid." Stan said, sticking his finger in his ear, as if cleaning it.

My eyes shut tight as my fists clenched, I couldn't take it anymore. "I made a deal with Bill Cipher and now he lives in my head!" I shouted quickly regretting the sudden confession. "Good going PineTree, way to keep a secret." Bill spoke, appearing beside me crossing his stick arms.

Stan and Ford both flinched at the sudden out burst. Both were trying to process the information they had just received, but it seems as if Ford caught on first.

"What?! Did...did you really make a deal with Bill Cipher?! The same Bill Cipher that tried to kill us all?! Are you insane?!" Ford shouted, grabbing at his hair slightly. After his brother spoke, Stan spoke up. "What the heck are you making deals with Bill Cipher for?! Haven't you already learned not to trust him?!"

"Haha! Good ol' Stan twins, they haven't changed one bit. Still as up tight and afraid as always." Bill joked, making me roll my eyes as my Gruncles began to talk to each other frantically.

I stood there, too nervous and afraid to move. I knew that I was going to have to tell them, but god, why did it have to be today. Or any day to be honest.

As my Gruncles now began to agree and disagree, I hung my head once again. Looking down at my hands, my thumbs twiddling nervously as beads of nervous sweat began to form on my forehead.

"Oh lighten up kid, they were going to find out eventually. I just didn't think it would be today though. Well, I should've expected it from you, I should've known you would've cracked soon." Bill said, his triangular form floating behind me, I felt my fist ball up and tighten at his last sentence.

Did he seriously just insult me in a time like this? I growled lowly, suddenly catching the attention of both my Gruncles. "Ahem! So Dipper, before we make any hasty decisions, we want to know more about this deal." Ford spoke.

I let go of the breath I didn't even know I was holding. I slowly not my head as an answer and looked up to see Ford gesture me to follow him and his brother.

He turns and begins to walk toward his room. I let my legs slowly carry me towards them. My heart was racing, it felt like one of those moments you get pulled out of the class to go to the principles office suddenly.

My mind was buzzing, trying to figure out the exact way I was going to tell them the deal.

As we reached his room and we all sat down and got settled, I had decided to tell them by just telling them from the beginning till now.

Ford was the last one to sit, closing the door and sitting beside his brother. Both in front of me, both making me very nervous. Stan spoke up shortly after.

"Well hurry up and tell us kid, I don't want to be in here any longer then I have to be. All this nerd stuff is making my brain hurt." "Shush Stanley, don't rush him or he might leave out information," Ford spoke," Now, go ahead and tell us."

I know, I know, it is not great and definitely not worth waiting so long for but, I tried. I was completely stumped and I still have no idea how Dawn wanted this to go. I will probably be the one to write the next chapter. And for those who care(again) Dawn is recovering well. When I found out she was doing ok, (don't her this) I cried. I was so happy, that I cried. (DON'T TELL HER OR SHE MAKE FUN OF ME! If you do I will find you..) Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this half piece of trash. Read on! ~ Greg

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