In control and confused~ part 2

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"So, it's sorta like being in control of half your brain." He states as his demon form floats right in front of me.

I gulp at the statement, I did not sign up for Bill to be in half control of me! "No no no no nooo. There is no way that I am going to let you be in control of my body!" I say angrily, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Actually, I'm only half in control." He retorts. "Ugh! I don't care if it's even a quarter! I don't want you in control of me in any sort of way!" I yell at him.

"Hey! Don't get all mad at me! I didn't do this on purpose, it just happened to happen!" He says with anger in his voice. "Besides," he continues,"I am only in control of your arms." He states coolly.

"No! There are to many weird things you can still do!" I yelled, placing both my hands on the sides of my head. I heard Bill growl lowly and he was soon gone, probably in my head again. "Hey! Bill! You better not be planning something or so help me I will go to my Grunkle Ford and get you out of there!"

I heard nothing, but as I open my mouth to give him another threat, I felt a sharp pain in my head. I yelp and jump back on the bed I was sitting on, making me lay down and helplessly hold my head at the sharp pain.

I groan as the sharp pain soon turns into a buzzing sensation that makes my vision spin and feel fuzzy. I heard a light chuckle erupt from inside my head, signaling that it was Bill that made my head hurt and buzz.

"Bill...what the...hell?" I say as I massage my head, still laying on my back and groaning at the feeling. "Was that uncomfortable? Do I make you uncomfortable PineTree? Well, I can make you feel better~" he says as I hear him chuckle lowly.

"W-what do you me-" I was interrupted as I felt my arms leave my control and move on their own, and I could not regain control. "Eh! B-bill! Stop!" I say helplessly, knowing that he might not be listening.

"Don't worry my PineTree, I said I was going to make you feel better, so just lay there and enjoy~" Bill said as my arms started to roam my body.

Dun dun duuuun. Well, sorry for making you wait for this tiny piece of trash. But I promise I will have part 3 out by tomorrow, well technically today because it's like 12:22 right now. So yeah, let's see what happens next! Even though you probably already know. Ok thanks for reading and as always, Keep reading! ~Dawn the sinner.

Addicted to a Demon~ A Billdip FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz