The truth stings like a bitch...

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"Seriously?!" I yell, I had just gotten Pitt-cola dumped all over me by the one and only, Mabel.

"Heh sorry Dip-Dop, my bad" She says, rubbing the back of her head while putting down the now empty liter of soda.

I curse under my breath, while trying to tug the wet fabric off of my torso. It was sticking to my body, and the air slightly dried it, making it sticky and gross.

I turn in the direction of the door and begin to walk to the porch, finally taking off the shirt and wringing it outside.

I heard a small gasp behind me, ignoring it, I knew it was Mabel.

"Uh...D-Dipper?" Mabel says behind me, I groaned as I felt the slight sting on my back again. What is that sting?

"What is it this time Mabel?" I ask flatly.

I heard the fast yet light footsteps of hers until I heard them stop directly behind me.

"If your trying to scare me it's no-Ah! Ow Ow Ow! What are you doing?! That hurts like hell!" I yelp, turning around to face her as the pain in my back began to burn and hurt badly.

At first she was shocked, just standing there with her hand out since she was touching my back. "You're burnt.." was all she said.

I looked at her dumbfounded,"What do you mean I'm "burnt" I'm just sore." I say trying to understand what she meant.

"No you're not sore, You have burns and cuts all over you back!" She said slight fear in her eyes.

"What?! I-I have c-cuts and..and burns? That's why it's been burning and stinging! B-but how did I..?" I yell scared for a few seconds and quickly questioning myself.

"Bill" Mabel said without hesitation, narrowing her eyes with her voice cold, angry, and flat. I was surprised at her tone of voice but unsure it was Bill's doing.

"How do you know it was Bill?" I ask, in that same second she grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs to her room, making me drop my still damp, sticky shirt on the old wood floor.

"Ouch, hey not so hard" I whined, we finally made it to her room, without hesitation she flung me in the room and scurried to get something.

I was barely able to catch myself and stood there with a confused look on my face, and not a second after Mabel came back with full length, body mirror, and placed it in front of me.

"Look in the mirror and see for yourself." She crossed her arms and pointed to the mirror. I slowly walked to the mirror, I turned so my back was facing the mirror and turned my head to the side.

When I could finally see my reflection I gasp and my eyes widen instantly.

Mabel was right there was cuts and burns all over my back, but what made it slightly more unsettling it that it was definitely Bill's doing. Why?

Because it was definitely in the shape of Bill's summoning zodiac. It was no coincidence, when the cuts forms the circle and the burns were the symbols. And well...Bill in the middle, was a mixture of the both.

The blood that had slid down was already dry, showing that it was there for a while but the stinging and the traces of blood show that it was also done recently.

I instantly felt anger boil up inside me until I burst. "BILL!" I yelled, waiting for that stupid dorito to say something, I knew he knew that I knew about the marking on my back.

"Yellow?" He said with a still happy tone, man I want to just smack him a million times, make him not so happy.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME?!" I yell still enraged, I saw Mabel cringe at the tone of my voice, walking to the door and slightly peaking outside.

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