Rebel Daze: Episode {1}

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Sang Sorenson


Bad Girls by MIA

*Date Published*

May 15, 2016

*Episode 1*

Breaking Bad

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Waking up was normal, breakfast was normal, but after school wasn't as such.

I'd joined the Academy two years ago, and it seemed I saw the guys twice each every other week....maybe. If I wasn't tired from a mission, then they were, or we all had other things to do.

Nathan and I were living together, but even he was away often. Missions had picked up now that summer was speeding ever closer.

And this is why after school wasn't so normal. Because they were all here. With me. At the same time. All at once.

It was like a twilight scene from another universe which I immediately ruined with a squeal. "Yaaaay," I screeched, jumping up and down in delight. "I've missed having you all together like this!" I may have sounded like a little girl, but sue me, 18 wasn't very old and you're never too old to enjoy having your entire family together.

A round of chuckles followed my outburst and that was followed by hugs, kisses, and Luke's completely insane imitation of my hello.

With one hand on his hip, he batted his eyelashes and leaned on North's bicep. "Oh my," he said in a high pitched yet strong southern accent, "why you big strong men are so handsome it just about gave me a heart attack seein you all at once." He patted North's bicep who smirked, palmed Luke's beaming face, and pushed him back hard enough that Luke stumbled a few steps backwards and fell onto his butt.

While Luke was laughing from his floor throne, Gabriel came closer and flipped my hair before stepping back and saying "You look like shit."

Kota immediately sternly reprimanded him, "Gabriel!"

Gabe remained staring at me while waving his hands at Kota as if shooing him away.

Sighing in peace, I grinned and ran at Gabriel, knocking into him and making him stumble backwards.

We landed on top of Luke who wriggled and moved enough that we all rolled over until Gabriel was on the bottom. Giggling, Luke jumped up, pulling me along and I grabbed Meanie's hand to pull him along.

Before long we were interrupted as my other guys wanted a "proper" good morning. In other words, Silas pulled me away from the two and lifted me into a Super Silas hug, my legs automatically twining around his hips and his broad arms encasing my waist, lifting me enough that we were eye-to-eye.

After a brief kiss on the lips, he passed me on to North who hugged me equally as tight before passing me onto Sean. Sean exclaimed "You've lost weight," as soon as his arms were around me.

I wasn't sure if that was a compliment but, with Sean, I highly doubted it. "What does that mean," I said raising an imperious eyebrow.

He stood back and pursed his lips, his flirty smile disappearing from his mouth but not his playful green eyes. "It means someone hasn't been feeding you right."

"Or," I interjected before it could turn serious "I haven't been very hungry on top of working a lot and, as a result, have shed a few pounds."

"Speaking of working a lot," Nathan included himself into the conversation, likely to stop an argument from brewing as it usually does between myself and the guys when it comes to my weight. They seem to think gaining weight is a choice I've chosen to not make. "Guess who's going to have the entire next 2 weeks off!"

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