The guest room?

"Aren't there two guest rooms?" Zero sounded like he was having the same thoughts as me.

"One for me, and one for you two," Kaien replied cheerfully.

That old geezer. What a sick joke.

"I'll sleep in the infirmary," I spoke up before he got any more ideas. "I'm fine with sleeping there."

"There's already a patient in there," Kaien pointed out, the corner of his lip twitching. "You'd be disturbing them."

"They can deal with it," Zero interrupted. "I'm not sharing a room with her."

"But, what if a hunter's badly injured when he - or she - returns to the association?"

"In the middle of the night?"

"That's when vampires are active."

"I'll move when they come."

"But the bed will have to be disinfected first."

"That's just an excuse."

"I'm serious!"

I eyed the ex-headmaster warily.

"Just what are you planning to do, making me and Zero share a room?"

"If it helps, there are two twin beds," Kaien huffed. "And I'll be next door in case Zero tries anything."

"I would not try anything with that - girl!" Zero broke in, looking livid. "She holds no interest for me whatsoever and I think she feels the same way!"

"For once, we agree on something," I muttered under my breath.

"So what's the problem with sharing a room if the two of you aren't going to do anything?"

Did he just set this up on purpose?

"We can't stand each other," I snapped. "I think you should be more worried we don't try and murder each other in our sleep."

"Like, I said, I'll be next door," Kaien shrugged. "And the two of you can't beat one another, you know?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Zero rose to the challenge, and I eyed him down. Without Bloody Rose, I imagined I might actually be able to beat Zero, if I used my light.


Maybe not.

"Well, I'm going to bed, you two," Kaien ignored Zero's question and breezed past Zero, out of the office. "The guest rooms are just down the hall. Your room is on the right. Ah, there's also an ensuite connected to it in case any of you need to shower."

The headquarters has these kinds of things?

With that, the door closed, leaving me and Zero inside a deathly cold atmosphere. Without a word, Zero opened the door again, walking out and leaving me alone.

Maybe I should go to the infirmary instead.

But if Kaien was right about disinfect-

The Knight's HunterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora