"You passed out and I had to get help to carry you up the stairs." I confess to her and she looks at me in astonishment.

"That's how I got in Louis' bed? You learn new things every day. Anyway, you have to come because we're doing karaoke." She attempts to persuade me.

"Fine, whatever, I'll be there." I smile in defeat as she claps silently in excitement. "As long as John's not there." I clarify with her.

"No need to worry about that, he is strictly prohibited from attending this party." She assures me. I don't want to look at that guy, ever again if I can avoid him for that long.

"Okay, okay settle down everyone. I've got your papers back." Professor Armstrong calls out. "You can collect them at the end of class."

"Tonight is going to be lit." Chloe squeals quietly, and I chuckle at her excitement. I look in her direction and my eyes connect with Harry's a few rows back. His face is blank, unable to read the expression on his features, before he looks away as if being caught.


I look through the pile and grab the paper that reads my name in the top right hand corner. I look for the grade and see a B-. I frown in disappointment, feeling as though I could have put a lot more effort into it.

I usually beat myself up if I don't get a good grade. Apparently that's not a healthy thing to do, but I feel like it's my motivation to improve on the next set assignment.

I find my car in of course the furthest parking space, and unlock it from where I am. As soon as I get in the car I Bluetooth my phone to play music on the drive home.

"Hey! When I get chills at night,
I feel it deep inside
Without you, yeah.
Know how to satisfy,
Keeping that temple right,
Without you, yeah.
Pictures in my mind on replay,
I'm gonna touch the pain away,
I know how to scream my own name,
Scream my name.
I love me! Gonna love myself no I don't need anybody else."

I sing the words loudly as I drive down the road thinking about the party tonight. It's at Louis' house again, and it's for Chloe's 21st on Sunday. I'm hoping there aren't as many people this time, although, knowing Chloe, there's probably going to be twice the amount of people.

I pull up in the driveway sooner than expected and kill the engine. I see Blake sitting on the chairs outside their apartment and he smiles once he sees me.

"Hey, you going tonight?" I ask him, locking the car as I walk towards the front door.

"Nah, I'm meeting up with some other mates." He tells me. "Have you um, you haven't told Jason about last Friday night have you?" He questions. I scratch the back of my neck and kick a rock with my foot.

"No, not yet."

"Don't worry I won't tell him anything if you don't want me to, I just hadn't heard him say anything about it at all and I wasn't sure."

"Oh." I simply say. I don't know what else to say really. "I'll tell him tonight." I assure him, though he probably doesn't even care. I nod and walk off, making the situation unnecessarily awkward.

I sigh as I walk through the house and throw myself on my bed, getting out my laptop to study. I haven't been studying as much as I should have been lately. I feel like that has something to do with how preoccupied my mind has been lately with just about everything else.

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