Two of the harpies found themselves pulled down with the waves into the ocean. The sirens circled them pulling them deeper into the water. The harpies struggled against their siren captors their mouths gaped open taking gulp after gulp of salt water as they tried to free themselves. Nicasio ran his sword through the chest of one harpy; staining the waters around them red with blood. The other harpy was held underwater until it drowned.

Above water, one of the Indian Ocean sirens captured a harpy in an aquatic sphere. The raven haired woman called over the battle, "Yami, electrocute this bitch would you?" The winged creature inside struggling desperately to get out of the orb.

Yami send a strong electrical current towards the water sphere. The moment Yami's electrical current reached the water sphere, the harpy in the center jerked and convulsed as it was electrocuted to death.

Amethyst narrowed at a harpy circling over the crimson eyed siren. Yugi sent a powerful jet of water at the harpy pushing her away from his Egyptian doppelganger. Yugi's eyes glowed once again as he took control of said harpy. She flapped her wings rapidly picking up speed. He rammed her head first into the side of the cliff. She fell to the jagged rocks below, her feathers and blood scattered in the ocean surrounding the rocks.

Another harpy dove desperately towards the mind controlling siren. She growled; her claws sinking deep into the flesh of Yugi's shoulders. The petite siren cried out in pain.

Yami launched himself at the siren; knocking her away from Yugi and into the water. Yami dragged her down into the pitch black depths, "Welcome to your watery grave you heartless bitch!" Yami plunged his dagger into her chest dragging it upward cutting her heart in half. He released the corpse as it drifted to the ocean floor.

The Egyptian siren returned to the surface. Lightning once again flashing within his crimson eyes. He gathered a large ball of electrical energy in between his open arms.

*Yugi, try to have the others trap as many as they can in watery spheres. I am creating a ball of electrical energy so strong it will singe all of their feathers!* Yami growled.

"Everyone! Trap them! Encircle them in water!" Yugi ordered as the ball of electrical energy grew larger and larger. Yami rose his arms over his head to keep the electrical currents out of the water and away from the other sirens.

The Indian Ocean siren clan were able to trap five of the harpies in large watery spheres. Yami pushed the electrical orb away from him and sent it flying towards the group of trapped harpies. It started a chain reaction, the electrical energy bouncing from one orb to the other electrocuting the captive harpies. The air smelled of blood and seared flesh.

The last two harpies retreated flying as fast as they could away from the sirens and towards safety.

"Follow them!" Yami bellowed.

"No! Let them be," the petite siren countered.

"But why, Yugi?" the baritone voice asked utterly confused.

"They will find their other sisters and they will tell them about our victory. Perhaps that will buy us some time to finish the treaty. They do not know that we are working on the treaty and will come at them with the full force of the siren population," Yugi responded calmly.

Yami nodded, his tanned fingers caressing Yugi's injured shoulders, *Does that hurt badly, Aibou?*

*No,* Yugi smiled at Yami, *It is alright. It looks worse than it feels.*

"Wonderful job everyone!" Yami hollered cheering at the Indian Ocean sirens. The clan cheered happily in response. They were safe for now.

Nicasio appeared next to Yugi, "Wow! That was amazing! After watching you handle those harpies, we will follow you anywhere!"

Yugi and Yami grinned at the man, "Thank you. We need to finish the treaty and take our leave tomorrow. We need to get home...or be one our way to the last siren clan. All depending on if Yugi gets another vision," Yami chuckled.

"Please stay and rest for a few days. You both deserve it after what you just did," Nicasio commented.

"Thank you for the offer, Nicasio. I am sorry we are not able to stay. We will need to leave tomorrow," the amethyst eyed siren sighed as he unconsciously rubbed his shoulders where the harpy sank her claws in.

*We will need to have Ryou take a look at those as soon as we get home,* Yami commented.

Yugi shrugged, *that's not necessary, Yami. I am fine."

*I don't care, I still want Ryou to take a look at the very least,* Yami folded his arms over his chest; his voice ringing with finality.

Yugi sighed, "Very well."

"Very well what?" Nicasio glanced between the two; confusion etched across his tan features, "Oh is this another one of the mind link conversations you told me about?" Yami nodded. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to intrude. Please let me show you to where you can rest for this evening."

"Thank you," Yugi and Yami nodded gratefully to Nicasio. 

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