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A/N: I totally had a "You know your addicted to Yu-Gi-Oh moment." I was working on my legal homework, turned to tell my dog to drop whatever he was chewing on and instead of calling him by his name, I ended up saying, "Yugi! Drop that and get over here!" *sighs* I am an addict lol

Anywho, thank you all again for reading! I'm truly thankful for each of you! I hope you like this chapter! Please vote and comment *hugs*


"Um, why are you watching Anzu curl her hair?" Yugi asked placing his chin on Yami's shoulder. Crimson eyes sparked as they glanced at Yugi.

"No reason. I was just staring off into space," the corner of his tan lips raising into a sweet smile. Yugi raised an eyebrow not convinced.

"Anzu, why are you curling your hair now anyway? We aren't going anywhere..." Yugi tilted his head which still rested on Yami's shoulder. 

"Because, I always want to look my best even when we are staying in," she responded with a shrug. 

The group was over at Malik and Marik's apartment. They decided to put the finishing touches on their history project that night and celebrate with a sleepover. Marik and Ryou disappeared into the kitchen to start dinner for the group. It surprised each of them when they discovered several months prior that Marik's cooking ability was almost on par with Ryou's. Ryou and Marik were roped into cooking as often as possible for the group.

Yugi stuck his head into the kitchen, "Do you guys need help?"

The tall blonde Egyptian and the shorter albino glanced at each other momentarily before Ryou responded, "No, I think we are okay." The amethyst eyed siren smiled before returning to the living room. Anzu, Joey, Tristan, and Yami sat back on the couch watching Malik and Bakura play poker on the coffee table.

Malik's lilac eyes glanced over his cards with a smirk proudly displaying on his lips, "Bakura, how about we make a bet?"

A silver eyebrow arched, "What do you have in mind?"

"Loser has to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen after dinner wearing nothing but an apron," Malik suggested.

"Agreed," Bakura nodded not allowing his face to portray any emotion.

Malik's grin widened, "You might as well unzip and start cleaning now," the Egyptian lay his cards on the coffee table, "I have four of a kind." The tanned arms crossed in front of his chest confidently glancing at the nonreactive albino. Malik stood stretching his long limbs while sighing with satisfaction.

"Not so fast, Malik," Bakura remarked. The blonde stopped stretching, lilac blinking confused at the silver haired albino, "Two words for you: Royal Flush." Bakura allowed a triumphant smile to splash across his face, "Sucks to be you."

"Shit," Malik swore plopping down into an armchair with a sigh, "Fine, I'll clean up. Hopefully, the aprons we have are long enough to cover me," Malik chuckled wiggling his eyebrows.

"Malik!" Anzu gasped.

"What?" The Egyptian shrugged.

Yugi glanced over at Yami confused, "I don't get it." Yami smiled placing a hand on top of Yugi's giving it a small squeeze as he leaned in to whisper to him.

Bakura rolled his dark espresso orbs, "He's just saying he has a large dick, shrimp. Nothing special. He's probably making it up anyway."

"I am not. Ask Ryou," Malik joked. Bakura growled at the Egyptian earning him another chuckle from the blonde.

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