Opening Night

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A/N: Hello all! Thank you again for reading! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: Once again, I do not own the songs mentioned in this chapter nor do I own the Phantom of the Opera play/story : P


*Mind Link*

The cast of the play ran around in a tizzy the entire day. Some were working on last minute backdrop details, some set up the lighting and made sure all of the costumes and stage makeup were in place; others warmed up their vocal cords. The play started that night and Ms. Davidson downed countless mugs of coffee. Her light brown hair a frizzy mess as she coordinated the actors and stagehands to ensure everything was set for opening night.

She cornered Yugi and Yami on their way to the dressing rooms, "Please you two, be careful with how you sing tonight. Take them on a journey with your voices, but please control your power." The tri-colored look-a-likes merely smiled at her.

"We will be careful. We both have had a lot more practice with controlling our abilities than when we first started," Yugi gave her a comforting smile. He noticed her small form trembling, "How much caffeine have you had?"

"Um..." her green eyes glanced upward thinking, "One..two..three.." she trailed off..."eleven."

Yugi's eyes widened, "And how much have you eaten?"

She blinked as she tried to recall the last time she ate, "This morning."

Yugi reached into his backpack and handed her a granola bar, "Your hypoglycemic remember. Eat."

She smiled at him, "Thank you." Yugi nodded as he and Yami turned to head for their dressing rooms to get ready for the start of the play.

They walked into their separate dressing rooms, Yugi's spotted his costumes and noticed that they hung in the order in which he needed them. He blushed brightly as he remembered how fast a few of his costume changes were going to have to be. Ms. Davidson decided that as soon as the play started, his costume rack would be rolled out closer to the stage. There were a few stage hands specifically instructed to help Yugi with costume changes.

The petite siren dropped his bag next to the vanity mirror. He sat in front of the mirror; staring at himself. He had a lot of work to do in only a short amount of time.

After a lot of hassle, Yugi was able to get his spiky gravity defiant hair to lay flat. The thick tri-colored hair went half way down his back. He picked up a curling iron; working it through the tri-colored tresses. He had Anzu teach him how to curl his hair a week before so he would be prepared when it came time to perform. He clipped his hair into a partial bun with curls falling around his shoulders and surrounding his face.

Next he worked on the makeup, putting on cover up, eye shadow, blush, mascara, and lipstick. He blinked at himself barely recognizing the reflection staring back at him. He looked like a girl. His face turned red; he couldn't believe he was going to pull off the female lead role in this play. His heart fluttered as he grabbed his first costume. He exchanged his school uniform for the chorus girl costume. The amethyst eyed siren slid the light brown beaded skirt up to his hips. The skirt was long in the back going all the way down to the floor. The front was much shorter only going to his knees. He pulled the light brown corset on; tugging at the ties making them as tight as he could handle while still being able to breathe and sing. The corset was short; only coming up to directly underneath his ribs. His creamy white delicate stomach on full display for all to see.

He thanked Ra that Ryou was able to heal him well enough to remove the scars. Well..most of them. There was still one large one that he was not able to heal away. Ryou said there was one other thing they could try in order to remove it but it would be insanely painful. Yugi had not quite decided if he wanted to even hear this painful idea of Ryou's. 

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