Of Magic and Revenge

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A/N: I apologize for the last chapter. I hope this chapter makes up for it *large grin.* Sooooooo much to reveal in this chapter! *maniacal laughter* ...... 

Oooops *covers mouth* You didn't hear that laugh come out of me *grins innocently.*

Thank you all who stuck with me after the last chapter! I appreciate everyone taking time out of their day to read my story! :D Now onto the awesomeness that is this chapter. 


A rapid knock boomed at the door to Ryou and Bakura's apartment. Bakura did not flinch, the shadow elf relaxing on the couch with the remote in one hand a glass of red wine in the other. Ryou opened said door revealing an unnerved Yami. The tri-colored siren entered the apartment spinning around to look from one elf and then to the other.

"Have either of you seen, Yugi? I have not heard from him or seen him in almost two days! That is not like him," Yami asked his voice dripping with concern.

"Did you try calling him or...I don't know...perhaps going to the Game Shop?" Bakura smirked.

"Yes and yes! He has not answered his phone in almost two days and he is not home," Yami continued to look back and forth between Ryou and Bakura.

"I saw him at the beach last night at sunset. He was fine when I left him. So that means he has been missing all night and today," Ryou thought.

"I'm sure the runt is fine," Bakura took a sip of red wine.

"No, Bakura, he does not just disappear like that." Ryou commented, "I'm going to call the others. I'll be right back." The small silver haired elf vanished through a hallway towards the bedrooms. He returned several minutes later, "They are all on their way."

"Thank you," Yami bowed to Ryou. The tri-colored siren began to pace worried for his smaller look-a-like.

Twenty minutes later had Joey, Tristan, Marik, Malik, Yami, Ryou, and Bakura gathered in the living room belonging to the silver haired elves. Ryou stood to address the group, "Yugi is missing everyone. I am not sure if you have figured it out yet, but Yugi has undergone the transformation. He is a siren." Yami's crimson eyes widened as he stared at Ryou. Catching the worried look on the tri-colored siren, Ryou smiled warmly, "Relax, Yami. Each of us here is a mythological creature. We know his grandfather is a siren. We were waiting to see if he is one as well. We know you are too." Ryou's milk chocolate gaze met Joey's honey brown orbs first before meeting Tristan's deep brown, "I need you two to help search. We need your sense of smell to track him. To the best of my knowledge, I know where he was last. From there, please try to pick up his trail and track him to where he may have gone," Joey and Tristan nodded, "We will plan from there after his sent is located."

The group stood and followed Ryou silently out the door. Yami stood in confusion watching each of them leave.

"After you, Siren." Bakura motioned for Yami to follow the group. Yami nodded trailing behind them. Bakura bringing up the rear; locked the door to their apartment. The group made their way to where Ryou last saw Yugi.

"He was here," Ryou pointed to the dirt next to him. His milk chocolate eyes scanning the beach for any clues, "Wait!" Ryou ran to the water's edge where he lifted a few things off the ground. A worried expression graced his delicate features as he returned to the group holding out the items.

"What's that?" Joey shook the sand covered items off.

"It's Yugi's clothes. I guarantee he wouldn't leave without those." Ryou sighed, "Time for you two to do your part." Ryou looked at Joey and Tristan. The boys exchanged a look before nodding. They let out a blood curling howl. Their arms and legs elongated as their backs hunched over. Their heads forming a shape of a muzzle, their ears coming to a point. Claws grew from their hands, hair covered their entire bodies, and sharp teeth were exposed from their snarling lips.

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