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"Let's give these two some privacy?" Ryou's gentle British accent broke the heavy silence surrounding the sirens. Yugi and Yami glanced over at Ryou; both giving him a grateful look. "I will also get you some clothes first though, Yugi. I'm sure it will be easier to talk if you are not naked and wrapped in a dingy cloth."

"Thank you," Yugi responded blushing as he realized he was laying on their coffee table with nothing on except the rough white cloth wrapped around his hips.

The light elf disappeared for a few minutes to gather some clothing for the petite siren. He returned carrying jeans and a white t-shirt, "I think the jeans may be a bit long, but they will work for now."

Yugi took the clothing as he tried to stand and hold the cloth in place around his lips at the same time. Ryou smiled as the young siren fumbled with the articles of clothing and the cloth wrap. Ryou took the edges of the cloth not covering Yugi and held them above his head. He wrapped the cloth in a circle creating a make shift changing room for the tri-colored siren.

He heard Yugi giggle from within, "That helps a lot, Ryou!" Yugi wiggled and squirmed within his cloth tent as he slid the light blue jeans over his slim legs. They fit perfectly around his waist but swallowed his feet whole. He slid the white t-shirt on over head head and tugged at the cloth letting Ryou know he was done. The cloth vanished from around him and he was met with warm smiling milk chocolate eyes.

"I see they do fit, except the length," Ryou giggled kneeling down next to Yugi. He rolled up the pant legs to enable Yugi to walk in them.

"Thank you, Ryou. For everything. I would not be alive if it weren't for you," Yugi turned to look around him; "I would not be here if it were not for all of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." Marik, Malik, and Yami smiled at him. Joey wrapped him in a bear hug of an embrace. Ryou wrapped his slim pale arms around Yugi's shoulders.

"You will need to wait until later to thank Bakura, I believe he is out cold," Ryou commented in Yugi's ear as the two embraced. Yugi pulled away confusion written on his features, "He used a lot of energy and power to help save you. We all did," the silver haired elf explained.

Yugi swallowed hard, "He did that? For me?"

Ryou nodded, "We all did, Yugi. You are like family to us. Now, I think there is a certain Egyptian siren that wants to talk with you alone." Yugi turned to look into the deep crimson pools that haunted his conscious and unconscious mind. The light elf beckoned for the others to follow him out of the room to give the sirens some privacy.

Once each of them had vacated the living room, the tanned siren stood and walked over towards Yugi. His hands traced up Yugi's arms to his shoulders and then to his cheeks. Crimson eyes drinking in the beauty that was the petite siren standing in front of him.

"I should have told you this a long time ago," Yami released a pained sigh, "I almost lost you before telling you something that you have the right to know." Amethyst blinked watching Yami intently.

"What is it?" Yugi asked.

"I love you, Yugi. You are my reason for being. I want to be with you, to protect you, to bring you happiness, and to show you how much I care for you," Yami confessed, baring his soul and feelings to Yugi.

A bright blush painted the siren's cheeks, "Yami," he breathed. He closed his large amethyst eyes as he leaned into Yami's warm touch. The crimson eyed siren traced Yugi's rose petal lips with his thumbs. Yugi's pale hands reached up to grasp the tanned hands that were on his cheeks, "I love you. You are all I think about. When I was trapped in the little tank, I could only think of and dream of you and you alone. I want to be with you always."

Uncovering the TruthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz