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A/N: Thank you for stopping by to read my little story. Your time is precious and I appreciate that you spent time on my story :) Anywho, here's the next chapter.


A peculiar squeak resounded through the large attic.

Crimson blinked at Yugi, "What was that?"

Yugi rubbed his nose, "It was a sneeze. There's a lot of dust up here."

Yami chuckled, "In that case, bless you and this is an attic you know. Dust is to be expected." He winked at the petite youth who only responded by blushing and muttering a quiet 'thank you'. Yugi turned back to the box in hand and continued to dig.

The tri-colored look-a-likes decided to try and discover more about Yami's genealogy by digging through old family records. The attic was very large and full of mountains of boxes containing everything from old clothing, records, photo albums, and baby books. They were searching for anything that may help explain why Yami had the ability to control electricity when no other siren could.

Yami lifted a brown photo album out of the box in front of him. The album had "Yami" etched in golden script on the cover. A smiled played on the Egyptian's lips as he opened the album. He saw baby pictures of himself and notes in his mother's delicate writing about his progress as an infant and his "firsts."

"Yugi, I found my baby book," brilliant shining crimson locked Yugi in their gaze.

Yugi stood and made his way over to the tanned siren; stepping over miscellaneous objects as he crossed the attic. He sat down cross-legged next to Yami leaning over to see the photos of the tiny tri-colored baby.

"Awww, you were so adorable," Yugi giggled as he pinched Yami's cheeks, "What happened?" Yami blinked at Yugi astonished. Yugi had never insulted him. Not even playfully. Yugi giggled again, "I'm kidding of course."

A smile etched its way onto the tan lips once again, "I know. It just took me by surprise." The doppelgangers flipped through the pages of the book. Half way through, an envelope fell out from in between the pages and landed in Yami's lap. He stared at it confused before flipping it over. "Yami" was written on the envelope. The tri-colored siren recognized the writing on the envelope instantly as his mother's.

"I've never seen this before," Yami whispered opening the envelope. He gasped as his eyes scanned over the letter. "Well this explains a lot."

"What is it?" Yugi asked. Yami handed the letter over to the petite youth who read the letter aloud:

My Dearest Yami,

If you are reading this letter, it means I have passed on without explaining your lineage to you which was a mystery even to your father. I am sure by the time you find this letter, you will have countless questions in addition to the confusion about who you are. I hope this letter will help clarify things for you. I am so sorry that I am not there to tell you this myself, but this letter will have to do.

My sweet Yami, I am sure you have figured out by now that you are not a normal human, but a magnificent siren. Capable of luring even the most wayward of people to you. You also have the ability to make them feel anything you want them to feel. You possess the ability to breathe underwater and I am sure you have realized that if your legs get wet, a rather large tale takes their place.

Most likely that is not all young one. Usually sirens have another water based ability that allows them to control, melt, or freeze water. You may have this ability; however something has come to my attention that may change that. I will explain further just in case it does apply to you.

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