We Messed Up

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A/N: Thank you all for reading and for the votes. I appreciate your support :) Enjoy the chapter!


*Mink Link*

Yugi dropped his backpack next to his chair in the office. He had a feeling he was going to get an earful for not finishing his office summons the other day. He pulled out his chemistry text book to begin reading the chapter assigned for homework that night. He leaned back in his chair balancing the large book on his stomach as his amethyst irises scanned each word on the page.

"Mr. Motu."

Yugi's ears perked up as his tri-colored head emerged from the chemistry book to glance in the direction the voice came from. He felt his heart rate quicken approaching the large wooden door that led to the principle's office. Principal Mirioka was a balding middle aged man with deep wrinkles around his hazel eyes and silver spectacles.

"You called me, Sir?" Yugi whispered.

"Close the door and take a seat, Mr. Motu," the principal responded glancing at the petite youth over his silver frames.

Yugi stepped into the room; closing the door behind him. He eased himself into one of the two wooden chairs in front of the principle's desk, "Please, Sir, allow me to apologize that I did not finish delivering the office summons the other day," Yugi began and paused when he noticed the confused expression written across the principle's face.

"What? No, that is not what I'm talking about, Yugi. I don't care about that," the principle waved his hand dismissively. 

Yugi shifted uneasily, his gut telling him there was something off with this entire meeting, "Okay...Then what can I do for you?"

The principal's hazel orbs remained on Yugi as he pulled a remote control out of his desk drawer and pointed the black device at the television behind him. The device came to life. An image flashed on the screen of the school's pool area. Yugi's face paled, /Oh no.../ Yugi's small form appeared on the tape. He saw himself pause and glance into the pool. He felt his world come crashing down as he watched himself dive into the pool to save Gen. The entire scene had been caught on camera. /Ra...we forgot about the cameras./ Yugi's eyes glazed over, shock taking hold of him.

"While I appreciate that you saved a fellow student, there is something about this tape that I am curious about," the principal paused the tape at the moment Yami was pulling him out of the water; his long amethyst tail on full display.

He burred his face in his palms, /What am I going to do?/

"What are you, Mr. Motu? Are you a merman?" Principal Mirioka asked watching Yugi's already small form shrink even smaller into the chair, "Answer me, Mr. Motu."

Yugi grit his teeth together and lowered his hands, "I beg your pardon, Sir, but what I am is none of your business."

The middle aged man blinked surprised at the student sitting in front of him. His facial expression hardened, "What are you, Mr. Motu?" a threatening tone hinted within his voice.

"What will you do if I don't tell you?" Yugi countered his question with a question.

The principal scowled, "You may find this video released to the media."

Yugi's face drained completely of color, "You're bluffing."

"Am I?" he raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "Just try me, Mr. Motu."

The petite siren's shoulders slumped, "I'm a siren."

Hazel eyes widened, "A siren?!"

Yugi nodded, "Yes, sir." A large grin plastered the face of the principal. A grin that Yugi did not like. "What are you thinking about?"

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