Horror Movie Marathon

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A/N: Hello all! Thank you for reading! I really hope you like this chapter. Please vote and review *hugs* Thank you!


Rehearsals for the play were strenuous work. Helping Ms. Davidson set up the scenery as well as learning their dialog and blocking piled on top of their school work exhausted both Yugi and Yami. The doppelgangers sat next to each other; their backs up against the tree. Amethyst orbs sagged heavily as the threat of sleep loomed over Yugi. His sandwich lay in his lap completely forgotten. Yami stared off in the distance past the group.

"You have been awfully quiet. What do you think?" Malik looked towards the tri-colored twins. Neither reacted to his question. "Wow talk about zombies," Malik threw a grape at Yugi hitting him in the forehead, "Earth to Yugi. Come in Yugi."

The amethyst eyes blinked confused, "What was that for?"

"To bring you back to the present." Malik chuckled.

"Alright, you have my attention. What's up?" The petite youth smiled sleepily at the blonde Egyptian.

"We were all just saying how you two need a break and you need to have some fun. Halloween is this Saturday and Ryou offered to host a Halloween movie marathon." Malik smiled at the smallest albino.

"A horror movie fest? Count me out." Yugi sighed resting his head back against the tree; his eye lids sliding closed.

"I'm sure Yami would let you clutch at his leg again. Plus we can do a few Halloween movies that aren't too scary. You do like Nightmare Before Christmas don't you?" Malik asked.

"I will even cook dinner for everyone," Ryou smiled at the petite youth, "Unless you guys just want pizza."

"Pizza!" Tristan and Joey responded instantly.

Yugi's pale cheeks were dusted pink at the through of clutching Yami's leg again; an amethyst pool was revealed from beneath his eyelids as one eye cracked open, "Will it get you to leave me alone so I can sleep?"

Malik giggled, "Yes."

"Okay fine. What time and do you want me to bring anything?" Yugi asked.

"We'll start at 5:00 pm. I should have everything; however, I will let you know if I need you to bring anything." Ryou responded, "How about you, Yami? Are you in?"

The group looked at the crimson eyed Egyptian finding his body limp, his head tilted to the side as soft snores escaped him. The group chuckled.

"I guess we can ask him a little bit later." Malik smirked as he watched Yami's body leaning closer and closer to Yugi's petite form. Eventually, the tanned tri-colored Egyptian's head was cuddling and nuzzling Yugi's chest. His pale cheeks once again were painted red. Gulping hard, he forced his body to relax. He could feel the group's eyes watching them.

"Awww. You two look so exhausted," Anzu smiled as she watched Yami cuddle up with Yugi. The petite doppelganger blushed even deeper.

/I wish they would just go back to talking. This is so awkward, but somehow...I feel so warm and happy./ Yugi thought. The bell announcing the end of lunch sounded shrilly throughout the school grounds. Yugi sighed, /Time to wake up Yami./ He nudged at the muscular sleeping form. Yami groaned in protest.

"Yami, lunch is over; time to get to World History," Yugi informed his look-a-like.

"Joy. I just want to sleep," The deep baritone voice groaned. Yugi giggled as Yami sat up and stretched.


"Why are you bringing two sleeping bags?" Yami asked when Yugi emerged from The Kame Game Shop with two sleeping bags in tow.

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