Mental Abilities

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A/N: Thank you for reading! You are the best! I apologize that this one is a bit on the short side. I will try to make the next one longer. *smiles sweetly*


*Mind Link*

Italics - Vision

"You have to relax if you want to discover what your power is, Yugi," Ryou sat on the coffee table across from the petite siren. Yugi sat cross legged on the couch his back flush against a mountain of pillows; his amethyst eyes closed allowing his long lashes to brush against his pale cheeks.

"Any more relaxed and I'm going to pass out," he giggled.

"Focus," Ryou chided.

"How do you know this will work?" Yugi asked cracking an eye open.

"I don't, but it's worth a try," Ryou commented gently forcing Yugi's open eye closed with his finger. The petite siren sighed resting his tri-colored head on the back of the sofa. He cleared his mind of all other thoughts focusing only on his siren abilities. A blurry image began to form behind his eyelids. He pulled all of his concentration in order to bring the image into focus.

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh this is not normal..."

"What's wrong?" Joey asked coming to sit next to Ryou on the coffee table.

"I can see..." Yugi's brow knitted as he paused focusing on the image in front of his closed eyes.

"What do you see, Yugi?" Ryou prompted.

Yugi lifted one of his hands and waved it slowly in front of him, "I can"

"What do you mean you can see you?" Tristan asked shifting uncomfortably in the arm chair he occupied.

"I mean exactly what I said. I can see me. Ryou, hold your hand up in front of your face will you?" Yugi folded his hands patiently in his lap.

Ryou raised one of his hands and waved it in front of his face. His milk chocolate eyes followed his hand momentarily before glancing back to Yugi. The youth jumped up out of his seated position on the couch, "Holy Ra!" He blinked staring back at Ryou as he stood on the couch cushions and leaned up against the wall behind the couch. Shock and surprise written on his delicate features.

"What has the shrimp spooked?" Bakura walked into the living room smirking at the surprised expression on the petite siren.

"I don't know. He has yet to tell us," Joey leaned closer to Yugi, "Will you calm down man and tell us what you saw?"

"That's just it, Joey! I saw me and then when Ryou brought his hand up, I saw that too, only.."

"Only what?" Ryou asked lowering his hand back to his lap.

"I saw it through your eyes, Ryou," Yugi slowly lowered himself back to a sitting position among the multitude of pillows.

"You saw through my eyes?" Ryou raised an eyebrow. Yugi nodded his response. "Sight sharing," Ryou smiled. "You are able to see through another person's eyes. That will come in handy later." Ryou stood and began to pace the length of his living room, "I wonder."

"About?" Bakura inquired sitting down on the arm of the couch.

"Yugi, follow me," Ryou giggled mischievously.

The amethyst eyed youth followed Ryou back into the darkened hallway leading towards the bedrooms, "I think there may be one more part to that power of yours." Ryou whispered in the youth's ear; already large amethyst orbs widened with excitement as Ryou explained his theory. The tri-colored head nodded enthusiastically sending his blonde bangs waving about.

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