31. "can i have this dance?"

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I heard the snap of a camera and turned around to see my mom holding her phone up at us.

"Mom!" I practically shouted as I covered my face, while Jacob started making weird poses. "No pictures." I said.

"Please..." I looked up to see her frowning. "It's your only prom, and...it's really the last time you'll be my baby. Once you graduate next week, you'll be in adult. You won't be my little baby anymore." I could see tears forming in her eyes.

I sighed and then smiled at her. "Okay, you can take a few pictures." I said which caused her tears to disappear instantly and a smile to form on her face.

I rolled my eyes but smiled for the picture. Jacob put his arm around my back and pulled my close to him as my mom took the pictures, squealing at every single one she took.

I giggled and eventually spoke up. "Okay mom, that's enough."

She gave me an evil smile. "It's never enough!" She practically shouted.

I started to back away, pulling Jacob with me. "You're terrifying..." I trailed off as we exited the house.

I could hear her laughing like a maniac as we approached Jacob's car. "Seriously though," I heard my mom shout to which I turned around to see her standing on the porch. "Have fun, but not too much. And if it does lead to that-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, protection!" Jacob and I both shouted at the same time, laughing as we got into the car.

He started up the car, beginning the drive to the hotel that our schools prom was being held at.

As soon as we turned off my block, his hand reached over to me and rested on my thigh, giving it a slight squeeze. I blushed as my hand fell to rest on top of his.

We didn't speak, we just let the music from the radio silently play in the background. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was comforting.

Before I knew it, we were at the hotel. There were limos pulling up in front if the doors, people exiting them one after the other. You could see light flashing inside and you could hear the silent him if the music.

We both opened our car door and got out of Jacob's car. I started off towards the prom, feeling Jacob come up beside me. He gripped my smaller hand in his.

We were just about to enter the doors of the hotel when I heard someone yell my name. I turned around to see Kaitlyn running right towards me, Louie following behind her.

She got to me and threw her arms around me and Jacob. She pulled away and looked us both up and down with a smile. "Well don't you two look just adorable!!" She gushed.

I blushed as Jacob chuckled. Louie then approached us with a soft smile on his face. Kaitlyn turned around to him and pulled him in front of her. "And doesn't my little Lou look dreamy??" She asked Jacob and I as she squished his cheeks.

Jacob and I started chuckling silently as Louie blushed. Kaitlyn let go of his cheeks as she saw Tony and Alex approaching us. Louie glared at me and Jacob but we just ignored him.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned around to see Chloe and Hunter. I smiled at them and they smiled back. "Hey guys." I said as I hugged Chloe and then Hunter.

"Let's go inside." I heard Tony say. I turned towards him and smiled. He smiled back at me and gave a little wave. I waved back at him and then to Alex, who also smiled and waved at me.

"But what about Jesse and Carter?" Kaitlyn asked, looking around.

"We can just wait for them inside." Jacob said, to which we all agreed.

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