Chapter Thirty

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Although Kelly was really happy to have Danny with her, she still couldn't help worrying about him still at the same time.

Knowing that he was having difficulty lately with socialising with people, she wondered if it was a bit of a strain on him being at the wedding, with everyone coming up to him and asking him how he was doing

Then the fact he had returned to Belfast, she hoped it would not bring up those bad memories he was having trouble dealing with.

It was hard for her to get the chance to get to talk with him privately. But finally after they had done with the meal and the toasts, and cutting the cake, he slipped outside the hotel where the reception was being held, so he could have a smoke, and Kelly followed him.

"Are you feeling okay?" she asked with open concern

Danny took a draw from his cigarette, looking slightly bemused, before answering, "Yeah, why shouldn't I be?"

"I am just worried about you, Y'know that it all might be a bit much for you, and being over here again, especially the way you have been feeling lately" Kelly explained.

"I see," Danny nodded with a faint smile, before giving her query some more thought

"I was a bit worried about coming back here to Northern Ireland, I have to admit. But now, well I think it's the best thing that has happened"

"Oh?" Kelly couldn't help looking surprised by this statement, making him grin, before he became thoughtful again.

"If truth be told if it wasn't for the troubles, I think I would be happy to live here, and make it my home. Everyone here is so friendly and accepting, especially your family, and I have loved that today, its made a refreshing change" he then informed her, before shrugging "I don't know, maybe its because this time I am here as a civvy, and not as a soldier, it just feels really different"

"I see," Kelly replied with a small smile, "Well I guess that is a good thing"

"Yeah," Danny nodded,then  his brow furrowing thoughtfully again, "My counsellor also talked about finding positive things to outweigh the negative experiences I have suffered. and being here today, I have discovered there is a lot to be positive about, despite what happened to me here with getting caught up in that explosion." He now took a last draw from his cigarette before flicking the butt on the ground, and crushing it under his foot.

Then he grabbed Kelly's hand, pulling her closer to him, smiling, "If I hadn't been stationed here, I would never have met you, or had you in my life... So despite what I have been through, I am realising something good has come out of it. Because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and for that alone I will always be grateful things turned out the way they did" he then confessed huskily

Kelly was too overwhelmed with emotion to speak at first, feeling herself welling up again, as if understanding this Danny kissed her and wrapped his arms around her, as if to confirm what he had just told her.

"I think we are going to be alright Kelly" he then murmured into her neck, giving her a little reassuring squeeze.

"Yeah, I think so too," Kelly replied happily snuggling into his shoulder, then pulling apart after a little while, they kissed briefly again before returning hand in hand back to the reception, Kelly now feeling a lot better than she had been doing these past few weeks.

They got back in time just to catch the bride and groom take to the dance floor for the first dance

Danny released his hold on Kelly telling her he would be back in a minute, then walked across the dance floor to the DJ and speaking with him, peering past the flashing lights, Kelly could make out the DJ just nodding and giving him the thumbs up, before Danny walked away and returned to her.

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