Chapter Nine

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Danny managed to phone Kelly up the following evening. She sensed he was still worried about the night before, and what had happened with Mike.

“I just wanted to apologise again,” he told her, “I shouldn’t have lost it last night with Mike in front of you, like that”

“Don’t worry about it,” Kelly tried to reassure him, “I don’t know how you resisted the temptation to punch him sooner, he was being a real pain in the arse, and he needed telling,”

“Yeah, he is complete nutter when he gets the drink in him. He did offer me a grudging apology today, but I got the feeling it was because he was more or less forced to do it, than because he really wanted too” Danny replied, “But I just shook hands with him and told him to forget about it, I don’t want any more trouble”

“Good, that was the best thing to do,” Kelly agreed in relief, glad there wasn’t going to be anymore repercussions from the night before.

“Anyway I am hoping our next time together will be a nicer occasion, I was thinking we might go for a nice meal somewhere next Saturday night, just the two of us” Danny then suggested

“Next Saturday?” Kelly queried in slight dismay, “Um won’t be able to make it sorry”

“Oh,” was Danny’s only response

“I mean I would love to go for a meal with you and everything, but you see its my Birthday on Friday, and my family are throwing a party for me on Saturday night because that was the only night they could get the community centre free” she explained

“Ah I see, well I guess that is understandable then, though you never mentioned it was coming up to your birthday” Danny said slightly reproachfully

“Well I didn’t think it was that important really,” Kelly admitted shifting uneasily not sure how that would make him feel, “And I guess it kind of went out of my mind after the carry on last night”

“Well I hope you have a nice time at your party, I just wish I could be there” he then told her.

“Well why don’t you?” Kelly returned brightly, suddenly feeling a little guilty that she had let him down about the dinner date, and wanting to make it up to him.

“What, come to your party? I couldn’t do that, it wouldn’t be right” he replied uncertainly, “You will probably be with all your close family and friends, and they might not be too happy me turning up out of the blue”

“Rubbish!” Kelly stated, “Anyway its my birthday party, so I can invite anyone I want, and I would like you to be there”

“You are not just saying that, because you feel you have to?” Danny enquired, “I don’t want to intrude”

“You won’t be,” she insisted, “It will be great, besides my family are a bit curious about you, they will be glad to have this chance to meet you now, so it will be ok”

Danny just laughed, “Now you are making me a little nervous at the thought of meeting your family, but at the same time I would like to,” he admitted truthfully.

“Well now is your chance, it will be fine I am sure,” Kelly assured him, “I will give you the address where the community centre so you can get the taxi straight there, it should be safe enough. I just never really thought about inviting you, because I wasn’t sure you would be able to make it. But if you are able to get away from the barracks on Saturday night, you are welcome”

“Ok,” he finally relented, “I will find out if everything is alright at this end, and if I can be there, I will”

“Great!” Kelly exclaimed happily, now admitting to herself that she was looking forward to seeing Danny there, more than she first realised.

SoldierboyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora