Chapter Twenty three

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Kelly wasn't really surprised to see Danny looked a little weary the following morning as he stood in the kitchen semi dressed in his jeans, his top half still bare.

He was buttering himself some toast for breakfast, so she was glad to see his appetite had returned at least.

"Morning," she greeted him going over to kiss him on the cheek, her hands coming to rest on his bare chest as she studied his face, "So, are you going to tell me what has been playing on your mind? And don't try and tell me there isn't something going on, because I know you hardly slept at all, last night" she said, making him realise he wasn't going to just fob her off again as he had done the night before.

He let out a long sigh, as if resigning himself to the fact she was not going to give up

"Well if you must know, I spent most of the night thinking about Craig " he then admitted quietly.

"Oh," Kelly replied, partly relieved that she finally knew what was on his mind, but it raised other concerns, knowing how his friends death was affecting him, and in this case there was no way of making it alright again. So she just wrapped her arms around him hoping he would get some comfort from it

"Yeah," Danny now wrapped his arms around her, also his expression deep in thought.

"I never really got to be at his funeral, to say goodbye, that's why I was thinking, that now we have the car we could drive up to his hometown this weekend where he was buried, y'know, to pay my respects"

"I think that would be a good idea," Kelly agreed, "You know its ok to grieve about Craig's death, even after all this time. You two were close friends, so its understandable his loss would affect you this way, so don't feel bad about it" she then told him

"Yeah, I suppose so," Danny relented, then he reluctantly released his hold on her, "don't worry, I will be okay. I have to be, if I have to get into work this morning, life goes on I suppose" he then said , turning round to grab the now cold slice of toast sitting on the worktop and biting into it.

"Are you sure you are alright? I mean you can always phone in, and take a day off if you are not up to it" Kelly said, still worried about him.

"No, believe me, its better I am at work, it will keep my mind occupied, instead of me moping around the house" Danny replied

"I guess so," Kelly agreed, realising the sense in his words, and it probably would be best if he was busy.

She let him go and finish getting dressed, whilst she went about making her own breakfast, still a little concerned about him. But she forced herself to smile as she finally seen him out the door as he left for work a half hour or so later.

They set of early Saturday morning for the almost two hour drive to where Craig was buried near his hometown. Kelly was hoping that Danny would feel a little better after being able to pay his respects at his friend's graveside, and find some peace of mind.

Unfortunately the day was overcast and grey, and when they reached their destination the heavens opened up, and it poured with rain, which did not help their already sombre mood as they drove through the gates of the graveyard.

Kelly had bought a bunch of flowers, and Danny had phoned up and spoken to Craig's parents the day before,. letting them know he was a friend who wished to visit their son's grave. They had given him the exact location where to find it and thanked him for caring enough to travel so far to visit his graveside.

They left the car, the rain was still falling heavily, and Kelly was glad she remembered to bring an umbrella with her, as they walked along the gravel paths looking for the large Black headstone that identified Craig's grave

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