Chapter Seven

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Kelly was walking home from work a few evenings later, she had almost reached her house. as she turned into the street where she lived.

Her mind was thinking on her next encounter with Danny, she was just relieved that this time they would be meeting under more relaxed circumstances, and she didn't have to worry too much about how she was dressed. So she was looking forward to it a little more, especially now that she knew where she stood with Danny.

But just before she reached her house, she heard a familiar voice call her name, making her jerk her head up, and her heart start palpitating rather quickly, as she noticed Johnny crossing the road and coming toward her.

She hadn't  spoken to him from the night of their big bust up almost five months ago. Unfortunately for her, his family lived in the next street, and though he was living across town, now and again he came by this area to visit his parents.

Up until now Kelly had done a good job avoiding him despite this, and she had only seem him twice. Both of those time he was with his new pregnant wife, under the circumstances they had not acknowledged each other at all.

But now he was on his own which made her uneasy.

She still had no desire to talk to him, so was about to try and walk on and ignore him, only he caught up with her before she reached the gate of her house, grabbing her arm, then forcing her to stop and face him.

"Look Johnny, I have nothing to say to you, please go away and leave me alone" she told him stiffly.

"Don't be like that Kelly," he replied, his brown eyes pleading with her.

"You have a bloody nerve, do you know that!" she snapped back, "What way do you expect me to be, after the way you treated me?"

"That's why I wanted to take this chance to speak with you in private.. I wanted to apologise," Johnny then said soothingly, "I know I messed up with you, and I am sorry, I just want you to understand I never meant to hurt you."

"I am really not interested in your apologies, or anything you have to say, I just want you to leave me alone" Kelly stated.

"You can't mean that Kelly, we had something good together, I know I was the one who screwed it up. But I did really care about you, despite all that, and I just want you to know that I still do."

Kelly found herself gaping at him in disbelief, wondering how he had the cheek to even let the words fall out of his mouth so easily.

But then that was Johnny all over, sounding smooth and sincere with such glibness, except she knew deep down it meant nothing.. She didn't know what game he was playing, only that she didn't want to be part of it.

"Well I don't care about you Johnny, so you had better go back to your little wife and child, and save all your caring for them, because I am not interested"

"But you must know I was more or less forced to marry Maggie." Johnny then reminded her.

"Yes, but you got her pregnant, when you were supposed to be engaged to me" Kelly reminded him pointedly

"That was a mistake, I never really cared about her, not like I did about you," Johnny insisted

"That was not what you said the night I confronted you about it," Kelly now reminded him tightly, "You made clear your feelings, that you needed to screw around with other girls just because I wouldn't have sex with you, and you called me an uptight bitch"

"I was angry and I was just striking out, I never meant it" Johnny then said.

"I don't believe you Johnny, not now, not ever. If you are not happy with your life and how it has turned out, tough! Just don't think you can come running back to me. Its not going to happen" Kelly now wrenched her arm free from his hold, "Just go away and leave me alone" she then told him.

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