Chapter Two

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Thankfully the DJ had decided to go for a more mellow mood, and was playing a slow ballad, Smokey Robinson's 'Being with you' as Danny led Kelly up onto the dance floor.

Kelly didn't really mind because her feet still ached slightly from her boisterous dancing before with her friends, and so she preferred the slower pace.

Danny rested his hands lightly on either side of her hips, whilst she rested her hands on his shoulders, so that there was a small gape between them, and they could see each other whilst conversing.

He was just a little taller than her, so she could also look directly into his eyes as they spoke, and she found she quite liked the way they crinkled when he smiled.

He asked her where she lived in Belfast, and when she told him her address, and that she still lived with her parents, he told her he knew of the area.

She also informed him she worked as a trainee hairdresser in one of the hairdressers not too far from where she lived, and that she had two older brothers than her, one married and the other of course engaged to Chrissie.

She wasn't really interested in telling him too much about herself, because there wasn't much to tell and she didn't want to bore him, So now she deflected his questions back, wanting to know more about him.

"So how long have you been in the army?" she now asked with genuine interest.

"I joined just over three years ago when I turned eighteen," he informed her, "And I've been stationed here in Belfast for about eighteen months now."

"Poor you, I bet you can't wait till you get stationed somewhere else, it can't be easy here."

"Well I wouldn't mind somewhere a little more exotic," Danny admitted, "But you go where you are sent, that's the way it works" he shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess so," Kelly realised thoughtfully.

"Anyway its not so bad, and when my tour finishes here in six months,  I plan on becoming a civvy again, and settle down back home," he then informed her.

"Good," Kelly smiled in approval, "So whereabouts in England do you come from?"

"Manchester," he replied.

"Oh I've heard of Manchester, but mostly because my brothers are football mad, and support Man City"

"Good for them," Danny nodded in approval, making her laugh.

She found out he had an older sister called Janice, and that he had lived with his mum before joining the army. But his father had walked out on the family when Danny was fourteen years old, and he hadn't seen him since.

Kelly didn't want to pry too much into what had happened to cause this. After all she hardly knew him, and it wasn't really any of her business.

"So do you have a girlfriend or wife tucked away back in England somewhere?" she found herself enquiring, as the thought suddenly occurred to her.

"No, like you, I am foot loose and fancy free," He replied

"Really, I am surprised. But then, even if you did, I don't imagine you would want me to know, she said half teasingly.

He didn't seem annoyed, that she doubted him, instead he looked a little amused, as shot her a little crooked smile and raised his eyebrows, "Don't you trust me then?"

"Well I hardly know you, so how can I trust you?" she pointed out lightly.

"Good point," he admitted still smiling, "I guess it means you will just have to get to know me better then," he added, pulling her just that little closer to him.

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