Chapter Six

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Kelly was quietly humming to herself, as she cleaned around the sinks where she usually washed the customers hair.

 Her boss and owner of the shop, Marion Ford, a lady in her early thirties, was unlocking the door to open the hairdressers for the day. But as she came away from the door, she glanced round at Kelly, who was still happily humming to herself, now Marion shot her a little speculative look

“Some one is in a good mood this morning,” she remarked in amusement, “ I take it you had a good time at that dinner dance thing, up at the army Barracks last night?”

Kelly felt her cheeks heat up a little, then she just laughed a little self consciously, “Yeah, I guess I did,” she replied

“Good, its nice to see you smiling again,” Marion replied, “So what’s his name? I take it was some army lad, that’s put that flush in your cheeks” she then probed teasingly.

“His name is Danny, but it’s not what you think,” Kelly replied, realising Marion would not be satisfied till she found out what had happened the night before.

“Oh?” Marion eyed her questioningly.

“We are just friends, its not some big romance thing” Kelly then explained.

“Friends eh? He must be a really good friend to make you smile like that” Marion chuckled meaningfully

“Well he seems really nice, and he is different from any of the fella’s around here that I know,” Kelly then admitted, “But I am not daft enough to want to get too seriously involved with him, since he is only going to be stationed here for a few more months, then he is going back home to England. So we are being sensible about it all”

“I see,” Marion now eyed Kelly thoughtful, “Well still, a lot can happen in a few months,” she then remarked cryptically

But Kelly never got the chance to pursue the matter further with her boss, as their first client of the day came through the door, distracting them

She spent the rest of the day getting quizzed, and light heartedly teased about her new ‘friend’ Danny, by her work colleagues.

But she took it all good naturedly, at least it was a refreshing change from the looks of sympathy, and the way they had been tiptoeing around her, afraid of upsetting her, since her break up with Johnny recently.

She didn’t know when she would see Danny again. He had mentioned he might phone her through the week if he got the chance. But it wasn’t a definite arrangement, so she wasn’t holding her breath waiting on him to call.

When Kelly seen Chrissie a few days later after she came to the house with Kelly’s brother Billy, Chrissie made an excuse to go into the kitchen with her, leaving Billy and his dad sitting on the sofa in front of the televisions watching some football match, so he hardly noticed they had gone out of the room.

“Okay, fill me in on the biz, what happened with you and Danny on Friday night?”Chrissie demanded.

“Nothing really” Kelly replied, determined not to make a big deal out of it.

Chrissie frowned, “What do you mean nothing really? Did it not go well then?”

“It was fine,” Kelly then assured her with a casual shrug, “We talked had a laugh, we danced, and at the end of the night we kissed”

“Ah so he did kiss you,” Chrissie gleamed happily, “Was he a good kisser?”

“Chrissie!” Kelly admonished her, laughing off her embarrassment, at such direct question

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