Chapter Eight

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"I am so glad you and Danny are hitting it off ok, " Tracy remarked as she and Kelly sat in the back of a taxi cab on their way to the army barracks, where the regular monthly disco would be taking place.

Kelly couldn't believe that it was almost two months since she attended the first one, where she had  met Danny.

But tonight was a little different, as she was just accompanying Tracy with out Chrissie in tow, and this time around,l she was going specifically because of Danny, and she wanted to see him in particular.

When Chrissie had informed Kelly that her cousin Tracy would be going to see Tommy as well, they both got together and decided to share a taxi up to the Barracks.

"You and Tommy seem to be going strong too," Kelly then remarked, "How long have you been seeing him now?"

"Oh just over four months now," Tracy replied, "it's a bit more complicated for me though, because Tommy is a few years older and he has just gone through a separation with his wife a few months before we got together.. They are trying to see about getting a divorce, but there is all this hassle about seeing his two kids, his ex wife is being difficult," she then sighed.

"So how serious is it between you and Tommy?" Kelly couldn't help enquiring, "I mean it must be hard for you, being in caught up in all the fall out with his ex wife and everything,"

"Well we are just taking it a day at a time," Tracy replied, "I don't know what the future holds for us, or even if I will have a future with him, but for now despite his domestic problems its good between us" she admitted

"Well I am trying to be realistic about my relationship with Danny too," Kelly said, "I mean I really enjoy being with him, but in another few months he will be leaving the army, and going back home to England, so it would be stupid if I really got too involved with him, I guess we are just taking it a day at a time as well, until then," she finished thoughtfully

"Yeah that's the best way," Tracy agreed, "anyway, you never know what can happen between now and then" she pointed out

 Kelly wasn't going to even go down that road. She didn't want to even contemplate that she and Danny would have some sort of future together, her cautious nature just wouldn't let her.

But still, when they arrived at the army barracks and stepped inside the recreation hall where the disco was under full swing, catching sight of Danny across the room, she felt her heart lift a little.

He was sitting at a crowded table but made sure he was facing the entrance looking out for her coming in, and on seeing her enter with Tracy he smiled and waved her to come over and join him.

Tracy spotted Tommy standing up at the bar, so she and Kelly parted company, promising to catch up with each other later.

Kelly then weaved her way through the other tables until she reached Danny, who stood up to greet her with a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Its ok, I saved you a seat," he told her, patting the empty chair next to him.

"Thanks," she replied now sitting down, suddenly feeling a little apprehensive, because the only one she recognised sitting at the table was Craig, and apart from the girl he was with, which was not Yvonne whom been a few weeks ago, she was the only other female sitting at the table.

She assumed the other four young men were other friends of Danny in his regiment, though he didn't seem to go out of his way to introduce them to her either.

One in particular caught her attention, she learned his name was Mike, because she heard Craig calling out to him, He was of bulky built and seem to be rather brash in manner talking loudly over everyone else, and knocking back his drink quicker than the rest.

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