Chapter Twenty Two

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They had been settled in their new home for over a month now, and Kelly was still loving the novelty of being able to have her own kitchen where she could plan and prepare meals for herself and Danny, without having to worry about his mother looking over her shoulder all the time.

Thanks to Janice's boyfriend Joe, they had also acquired a large television for free, when one of his relations had wanted rid of it because they were getting a newer model.

So now when Danny came home from work Kelly would have his tea on, then they both would snuggle up on the sofa most nights in front of the television, just happy in each others company.

Then one evening, Danny arrived home a little earlier than usual, Kelly was in the kitchen, about to start making food when he made an appearance

"Hey, you are back early," she greeted him in pleasant surprise.

"Yeah, well there is a reason for that," Danny replied grinning and looking rather pleased with himself, then he grabbed her hand, "C'mon with me, I have something I want to show you" he then added mysteriously, leading her out of the kitchen and through the hallway then out the front door which was still slightly ajar

"There you go!" he then exclaimed dramatically indicated with a wave of his hand to the dark blue car parked next the pavement by their flat

Kelly looked from the car, back to Danny with slight confusion

"This is why I was able to get home a little earlier this evening, I didn't have to wait on buses as I was able to drive home in this" Danny explained now walking right over to the car.

"Oh, right," Kelly said in realisation, "So um, who owns it then?" she queried wondering if one of his workmates had let him borrow it for the evening.

"We do, " He confessed with a grin

"We do? B-but how? When?" Kelly demanded looking even more bewildered, making Danny chuckle

"I wanted to surprise you. actually my boss Jack, knew this guy who was selling his car pretty cheap, but it needed some work done to it, anyway I got it at a knock down price, so me and Jack have been working on it these last few weeks, getting it back up to standards so it would pass the MOT test yesterday, and now its all mine" he then explained happily

"So now we have a car as well?" Kelly queried still not quite believing it. As she stared at the motor

"Yeah, I didn't want to say anything to you, until after the MOT test, and I knew could bring it home"

"Wow, you certainly manage to keep that quiet. I didn't even realise you were interested in buying a car" Kelly replied, sounding impressed

"Well I thought it would be handy, and save me a fortune on bus fares getting back and forward to work" Danny replied, which sounded completely sensible and logical to Kelly when she thought about it

"So what do you say, do you fancy taking a little ride with me, and see how well it runs?" Danny then asked.

"What, right now?" Kelly laughed still trying to get over the shock that they were now the owners of a car

"Why not?" Danny shrugged easily,

Kelly now caught up with his enthusiasm, finally agreed, but she also sensibly insisted that he let her go and get her coat and keys first, before they went anywhere.

Kelly wasn't sure quite how far they drove, but after twenty minutes they decided to stop at the roadside café for coffee and a sandwich, Danny was animatedly talking about places they could go now they had the car, and he even suggested that he would teach Kelly to drive, on their free Sunday afternoons together, much to her delight.

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