Chapter Twenty nine

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It was almost eight months since she had left, so it felt a little strange for Kelly when she returned back to Belfast. for her brother's wedding.

Nothing much had changed really. But being back in her old familiar territory with her family and friends did her the world of good, especially after all the stress she had been through.

Though she had felt a little guilty leaving Danny at the same time, and worrying how he would cope without her around. But he had insisted she should go, and that he would be fine on his own, after all it was just for a few days. He really wanted her to spend some time with her family, and attend the wedding, because she deserved the break, and if she missed it because of him, he would feel bad. He had enough of that going on in that department where she was concerned, without adding any more to it.

So in the end she tried to remain cheerful as she kissed him goodbye at the airport, promising to phone him as soon as she got the chance.

Her parents had collected her at the airport and on catching sight of them, she suddenly realised how much she had missed them, so it was a happy reunion.

The only awkward moment was when they asked her how Danny was doing.

She had already told them over the phone a few nights before, that he wouldn't be coming, because he had a very bad dose of the flu and was still recovering. Now face to face with her parents, she found it difficult to look them in the eye as she told them, that he regretted not being able to make it, but he still wasn't feeling good. Which in a way, was a half truth, and soothed her conscience a little

They remarked how it was a shame he couldn't be there with her, and she just nodded her head, whilst making all the right noises in agreement. But luckily for her there was so much to catch up on, it was easy to distract them by talking about the rest of her family and what was going on with the forthcoming wedding .

Apart from her immediate family the other person she was looking forward to seeing was Chrissie, who dropped by the house later that evening, she let out a little squeal of delight catching sight of Kelly then they both hugged happily in greeting

"Look at you, have you lost some weight, you look thinner, but I like how you have let your hair grow, it suits you" she remarked after inspecting Kelly up and down

"Well I had it done especially for the wedding, and it was a perfect excuse to go out shopping for new clothes, and yeah I have dropped a size, which is great" Kelly replied.

"What diet were you on, I want to try it?" Chrissie replied

Kelly just laughed, "I am just always on the go, I think that's why the weight has dropped of me" she replied not wanting to add that her diet consisted of fretting and worrying about Danny these last few months, so she hadn't been eating as well.

But when she was able to fit into a pair of size ten jeans, she realised perhaps it hadn't been such a bad thing.

Kelly wasn't the only family to come from the mainland, her fathers relatives from Scotland has also been invited to the wedding, so there was quite a full house later that evening, and much celebrating.

With everyone enjoying a drunken singsong in the living room, Kelly decided to slip away now that no one was paying her particular attention, and phone Danny up to see how he was coping, despite being surrounded by her family, she still missed him a little, and she wished he was with her.

He answered the phone, assuring her he was fine and Janice and Joe had called around for a while to keep him company, then he asked her about her family, wanting to know how everyone was doing.

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