Trouble in the Indian Ocean

Start from the beginning

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Yami extended his hand to the bronze siren.

"It is nice to meet you. You two are not from this area...or anywhere near us. What are you doing here?" Nicasio asked.

"We are here to try and get the Indian Ocean siren clan to partake in the treaty," Yugi commented pulling the document out of the case strapped to Yami's hip.

The brown eyes skimmed over the document, "You already have the Ice Sirens and the Caribbean Sirens agree to this," Nicasio raised an eyebrow, "I'm impressed. The only ones I expected to accomplish that were the Sirens of Legend," He handed the document back to Yami.

"That is why we are here, Nicasio," Yami stated, "We are the Sirens of Legend." The bronze siren folded one of his arms across his waist as the other helped prop up his chin; his tan fingers caressing his pursed limps.

"Do you need proof?" Yugi asked.

"No, I believe you," Nicasio commented.

"That is a first," Yugi giggled, "The last two clans asked for proof.

"I can understand that. Each clan stays separate from each other so seeing two sirens that the clan does not know would cause a bit of an uproar. I believe you just from how far you've traveled and how far you have come with the treaty. No one else has come close," his brown orbs landed on Solan, "Please go find your mother and let her know you are okay. I have business to discuss with these two."

Solan nodded before bidding everyone farewell.

"What is it you would like to discuss with us?" Yami inquired.

"Follow me, I will take you to where you two can rest while you are here and to where we hold our clan council meetings," Nicasio turned swimming towards the rock structures resting on the ocean floor. As he swam, he periodically glanced over his shoulder to speak with the tri-colored sirens, "You've arrived just in time."

"Why do you say that?" Yugi inquired, voicing the question on both of their minds.

"The harpies have been attacking us left and right whenever we surface. They've already carried off eight sirens. We are not sure if those eight are even still living," his deep brown pools growing hard as he thought of his lost comrades. Yugi and Yami shared a worried glance.

"How many harpies are in the area?" Yami inquired.

"We are unsure exactly how many...we have only seen a handful, but there could me more," the bronze siren sighed his frustration mounting.

"Let's find out shall well?" Yugi smiled at Yami.

"How do you propose we do that? Any time we surface they attack," Nicasio turned frowning at the tri-colored sirens.

An impish grin crossed Yugi's lips as he closed his eyes and focused on tapping into the sight of the closest harpy. He could see the creature was flying over the ocean. The waves crashed at its feet. It flew low, the tips of its wings brushing against the water's surface. Then it flew upward towards a cliff several miles away. The warm sun burned down on the creature as it landed on a large tree branch. The harpy glanced around at the surrounding area covered in bones, blood, and rotting flesh.

Yugi's lips were pulled down in a frown, "Damn it," he whispered keeping his eyes closed as to not lose the connection, "The eight are dead, Nicasio. As for their numbers, I Sixteen including the one I'm sharing vision with," Yugi responded finally opening his eyes.

*Ra, Yugi, we were not prepared for this but we have to help them," Yami growled through the mind link they shared.

*I agree. They need us. We have to fight back this group of harpies before we leave..hell we should do it as soon as we can. I don't want them taking any more of our people,* Yugi's amethyst eyes snapped open and met determined crimson.

"We will help you," Yami glanced at the bronze siren who had remained silent while watching in astonishment.

"I'm sorry. I do not understand. What just happened?" the bronze siren blinked with confusion and awe at the two in front of him.

"Yugi is able to see through the eyes of another creature. He used is vision sharing ability to spy on the harpies. We also have a mind link that allows us to speak to each other without using verbal communication," Yami explained, "We both agreed to help your clan with the harpy problem."

"Oh thank the gods!" Nicasio exclaimed.

"Prepare for a battle. We will bring hell to them! They will pay," Yami's crimson flashed with rage.

"Calm down, Yami. They will pay, but it is important to remain focused, alert, and aware of our surroundings. We can not get caught up in blood lust and revenge."

"When did you become so wise little one?" Yami smiled at his petite doppelganger.

Yugi shrugged, "Someone needs to keep you in line."

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