Chapter 37

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Deborah wore a black v-lined dress that covered her body. The dress sparkled and made her look elegant, but she still sighed in sadness when she looked upon herself in the mirror of her personal quarters in the House of Leaders. When she was younger she would've worn a better dress, one to show off her physique. Deborah often missed her old body before it sagged and wrinkled, the beautiful young woman sometimes visited Deborah in the mirror when she got into her regal and presidential clothes to laugh at her. As Deborah put on her black velvet cardigan to hide her arms, the young Deborah Fisher with beautiful brown straight hair and a smooth face with perky breasts appeared in a small red dress that pushed her chest up and stopped at her thighs. I get it, you can go now you skinny bitch.

Katrina Lloyd was waiting in the hallway of the still half-constructed House of Leaders in a blue silk dress that fell to her feet. She lifted it to walk, showing a pair of fancy matching blue heels, sparkling like diamonds as she walked. On her ears were two studded black diamonds and her hair was a silky brown, tied into a neat bun with two bangs hanging out. Deborah envied her youth. Katrina was only thirty-four, but she was still a decent looking woman. Deborah had known her for three years, and all three of those years she was single. How she stayed single was beyond Deborah. My two companions, the burned sociopath and the lonely woman. Katrina Lloyd's official position title in Deborah's new government was Head of Affairs, but she was the very mouthpiece of Deborah and she acted on all of Deborah's actions, whereas Callus did more of his own thing and led the torturing of her enemies. Callus' official title of Head of Scientific Development and Offence, but he was more of an everything man.

The new government was different, the United Wasteland didn't have elections. Deborah was the president until her death and when she died it fell upon her government to elect their next leader for life. Deborah knew Callus would rig the system if he outlived her, so Deborah had already secretly begun to rig it herself to ensure Katrina got the position if she outlived Deborah.

"Most of our guests have arrived President Fisher, the ambassadors for all the surviving previous countries are in the ballroom enjoying some food." Katrina informed with a hint of superiority. "They were desperate for some good food, the canapés will not be enough I'm told."

"Have they partaken in the wine yet? I hear Callus tampered with some of it, don't drink any." Deborah warned. "There will be a fine bottle of white brought in by one of my servants, drink that one with me, I know it's safe."

Katrina chuckled. "I'll avoid drinking anything offered by Callus. You weren't present when Callus arrived this morning, he was quite upset."

"Offending Callus is the least of my worries..." All twenty of Deborah's Onyx guards stalked her at all times. She had two posted by her private quarters, but when she was out all of them went with her. She hired her own personal barracks to guard the building, but she told Callus they were men chosen by him. "Did he have Malcolm Howard with him?"

"Yes, but he won't be attending tonight. I'm afraid he had some grievous wounds, he was shot and mauled it would seem when he arrived. Callus wanted him present tonight, but I advised against it." Katrina explained. "Is that okay? He seems to be off since Callus tampered with him."

Deborah laughed. Katrina acted on her own and often asked Deborah later with a tone that obviously stated her fear for disappointing Deborah, but Deborah trusted Katrina. She reminded her of a younger version of herself. "Don't worry Katrina, your actions are my own, and I'm comfortable to have you act on behalf of my interests without having to keep me in the loop. Just don't start a nuclear war like Callus did..."

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