Banging on the hotel suite's door makes them pull apart, both breathing heavy with red, swollen lips from the past thirty minutes they spent heavily making out on the couch. Liam climbs off of Zayn, making his way to open the door, to see Niall, and Bella who giggles and goes tearing past Liam into the apartment as soon as the door is open. "Was she good?" Liam asks Niall who nods, handing Liam Bella's towel, "of course Li, she was great. We had a lot of fun" he answers. Liam nods, "thanks Ni" he starts but Niall shakes his head, "it's fine, now did you actually talk to Zayn while we were gone, or did you two just snog?" he asks. Liam blushes bright red, "we talked, and then we snogged" he shrugs and Niall cackles. "Alright well I'm going to shower and get changed, meet you three downstairs in an hour to get some dinner?" Niall asks and Liam nods, "sounds good Ni. Thanks again" he answers. Niall just grins before turning and moving two doors down the hall to his own suite. Liam shakes his head before closing the door and moving back to the couch where he can hear Zayn and Bella, as she tells him all about her time at the pool with Niall. "Sounds like you had fun, but we need to get you dressed, so we can go get dinner" Zayn starts, and Bella pouts at him, "no Baba" she whines. Zayn just shakes his head in response, "you can't go to dinner in your bathing suit Boo" he tries, but Bella just huffs at him. Liam grins, "c'mon if you come get dressed we can get ice cream after dinner" Liam tries and Bella grins nodding quickly and reaching for Liam, "Daddy do it" she insists. Liam just smirks at Zayn who rolls his eyes at him, before Liam carries Bella into the bedroom.

Liam's impressed as always with Arabella's stubbornness as he tries to gether dried off and dressed, she rejects almost every outfit he holds up, until he offers her a dress with a puffy skirt, that billows out when she twirls. Sighing in relief, Liam pulls the dress over her head smoothing it down over her torso, Bella giggles up at him, "want braids Daddy" she exclaims, pulling on her own hair. Liam grins,"is that why you wanted me to get you dressed not Baba?" he asks. Bella giggles, nodding her head, it's no secret Liam is better at braiding hair than Zayn and he doesn't really even know why, "alright come here" Liam says grabbing Bella's brush, along with some elastics and detangling spray, and sitting on his and Zayn's bed. Bella jumps into his lap, making Liam wince a little before he starts on her hair, it honestly doesn't take him that long, he finishes the second braid about fifteen minutes after he starts, "there, you're beautiful" he grins, turning Bella to kiss her forehead, "thank you Daddy" she giggles before jumping off his lap and running out of the room. Liam hears Zayn exclaim how perfect her hair looks, while he cleans up the mess of clothes, "Li?" Zayn asks from the doorway and Liam looks up at him, "thanks for that" Zayn mumbles gesturing behind him, where Liam can only assume Bella is now. Liam moves to pull Zayn into his arms pressing a quick kiss to his lips, "don't mention it Babe" he murmurs, before pressing another kiss to Zayn's lips. Zayn grins, kissing him back, attempting to deepen the kiss, before Bella crashes into them from behind "stop, I hungry" she demands and both men chuckle pulling apart.

After meeting Niall in the hotel's lobby they all just decide on the restaurant attached to the hotel, no one interested in going very far on their first night. Liam smiles fondly as Zayn and Bella walk ahead of him into the dimly lit room, Bella gripping Zayn's hand tightly as they walk, he can't help replaying his conversation with Zayn about another baby over in his mind and he honestly can't wait to be back home, so they can talk to Doniya about it all. Niall bumps him with his shoulder just as the foursome enter the restaurant, "you look happy" Niall points out and Liam smirks, "I am happy" he answers just as Bella breaks away from Zayn and launches herself at Liam, who bends down to scoop her into his arms. "Hey Princess" Liam coos as a hostess arrives, with menus in her hands, "if you'll follow me" she smiles leading them to a table in the back of the room. Liam sighs in relief when he sees a booster seat and not a high chair for Bella, she'll be much more cooperative with that.

Dinner finishes quickly and Bella is slumped sleepily against Liam's chest as they make their way back upstairs to their suite. Liam holds Bella tightly as Zayn opens the door, and steps in first, waiting for Liam to come in after him before he lets the door swing closed. "I think someone's ready for bed" Zayn coos, and Liam nods slowly, "I'll go put her in bed, then you and I can do something, sound good?" he asks Zayn, who just nods slowly, before leaning up to press a kiss to Bella's head, "night Baby Girl" Zayn murmurs, and Liam can't help but coo, before he takes her into the bedroom. Liam gently sets Bella down on the bed before he carefully pulls her dress up and over her head, once he's set it aside he grabs a pair of pyjamas and helps her slip them on. Liam lays her down on her bed and presses a kiss to her forehead, "night night Princess" Liam murmurs, "night Daddy" Bella yawns, before her eyes slip closed. Liam smiles, she's definitely exhausted, that's the fastest he's ever seen her fall asleep, and quietly leaves the room to go find Zayn.

He finds his fiancé sprawled across the couch, and arches an eyebrow at him, Zayn just makes grabby hands towards him, "come snuggle with me Li. I'm tired" he whines. Liam chuckles, shaking his head, but complies, crawling onto the couch behind Zayn, there's not really much else they can do really, not with Bella sleeping in the bedroom. "She go to bed okay?" Zayn asks, shifting around slightly, Liam nods "yeah, she was asleep before I even left the room" he answers. Zayn smiles slightly, "she was pretty tired" he mumbles and Liam nods, tightening his arms around Zayn, "so are you" he murmurs and Zayn shakes his head, but yawns at the same time making Liam laugh. "I'm tired too, why don't you and I just watch some TV and call it a night?" Liam asks, Zayn just nods, his head slowly, snuggling further into Liam's chest, as Liam flips on the TV and starts looking for something to watch. Liam's just decided on a Supernatural re-run when Zayn shifts again so Liam can see his eyes, "you know that thing we were talking about earlier?" Zayn mumbles. Liam furrows his eyebrows, "you mean your sister helping us have a baby?" he asks and Zayn nods biting his lip, "I think we should get started as soon as possible when we get back" he murmurs. Liam grins, leaning down to peck Zayn's lips, "yeah, we can do that" Liam murmurs, kissing Zayn again "for now let's just relax, watch some TV, and sleep" he adds and Zayn grins nodding, "and kiss?" he asks. Liam laughs lightly "of course Babe" he grins, pecking Zayn's lips again.

A/N: Hey look an update...and an apology; I'm so sorry this took so long there really is no excuse for it other than I forgot, and I had a few appointments and things but mostly I had no motivation whatsoever. But hopefully now that things are working out (kinda) on my end there will be more frequent updates. 

So Zayn and Liam are gonna have a baby...Doniya's gonna help (I wanna thank @YouMakeMeStrong30 for her comment putting me on this path...I'd kinda thought of it on my own a few time, but always defaulted back to Ruth, but I love this idea too. so thank you!)
Bella's being all adorable, and I forgot they have a puppy now...(she's with Louis just go with it)   
Let me know what you think...I like comments, although I will not force you to.
I love you guys
Until next time

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