Her feet were freezing and fingers shaking, and her nose freezing when she got to his apartment. The building itself was not small but not huge either. Looked nice and simple.

When Percy opened the door, she felt self conscious suddenly. She was wearing his hoodie and sweater (it was really warm and all she had okay?!) and jeans. Her beanie and curls that were probably tangly and dirty. Yet he smiled at her and looked down at the sweaters.

"That looks so much better on you then on me... Uh, just come in." Percy quickly said, ushering her in. The heater was obviously on and Annabeth sighed in comfort. The warmest place she's been in all winter. Plus it smelled really good.

"This is a really nice place." Annabeth muttered and Percy grinned.

"It's small and cozy, I love it. Anyways, I bet your starving. I am anyways. Come on, it's Sunday, which means it's pancake day." Percy exclaimed and Annabeth chuckled.

"Pancake day?"

Percy nodded in all seriousness. "Pancake day."

Annabeth felt so full after breakfast. She felt like she could barely walk. Percy was telling her a bunch of stories that made her laugh and stomach hurt.

"How's your life Annabeth?" Percy whispered, and Annabeth looked down.

"Pretty sucky as you can see."

"What happened?"

She shrugged. "Just... I don't even... Know anymore. I lost all these opportunities and I'm just all over the place right now. I lost everything."

Percy nodded, "I see. Well, you know you'll always be welcomed with me."

Annabeth looked at him strangely. "Why? Am I some sort of charity case or something?"

He looked offended. "Of course not Annabeth. I just... I really care about you and you deserve more and I'm mad at myself because I can't give you anything else."

Annabeth blinked. "Trust me Percy, you've done a lot already. And you barely know me."

Percy smiled. "Hey, you want to do something fun? Like watch a movie or bake cookies?"

She laughed. "Sure, why not?"

Annabeth practically lived with Percy, unofficially of course. She'd usually go 'home' around seven. Home being any bench or alley to sleep in. And go back around twelve midday. On weekdays, she'd clean his apartment, she felt like she owed him. When Annabeth left his apartment around eight, with Percy shouting a stupid joke as she stepped onto the elevator, Annabeth laughed.

"Okay, which bench should I go to?" Annabeth whispered to herself, resting her head against the elevator. Exhausted and sleepy. Annabeth found a bench in front of a bank, and sat down, wrapping the blanket herself and fell asleep, like normal.

Annabeth woke up to herself being carried, she woke up quickly, trying to get out of the grasp. "Sh, Wise Girl, it's me Percy."

Annabeth blinked slowly, it was still dark outside. "Percy?" Annabeth rested, this was all obviously a nice dream.

When she woke up under warm blankets, Annabeth stretched and sat up, really confused. Why was she in Percy's apartment? Wasn't Percy carrying her a dream... Unless... "Oh my-" Annabeth felt really embarrassed and hoped Percy was at work. Wait no, today is Saturday. She's screwed. Annabeth took a deep breath and opened the door, she'd been sleeping in his bedroom.

"Annabeth?" Percy said, looking up from some paperwork. He looked like he hasn't slept all night.

"I have explaining to do?" He nodded. "I don't know what's there to explain."

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you have no home. That would have been nice to share."

"Why would I mention something like that?! It's embarrassing Percy! What twenty one year old doesn't have a home, or a job, or money?! I'm homeless Percy. It's not something I preach."

"You could tell me anything Annabeth. It's not like I would judge you. You have no idea how bad I feel. This whole time you've been sleeping out in cold and-"

Annabeth raised her hand up to his cheek. His eyes looked tired, like he actually lost sleep thinking about her. "And I'm fine. Alive."

"Just barely."

"But I am."

"You do realize I'm not going to let you leave my apartment at night right? Your officially my roommate." Annabeth shook her head, smiling sadly.

"I can't allow that Perce, I'll have no way to repay you. I'm broke. I'm going to be a waste of space, food,-"

Percy curled his fists angrily, "Don't say that. You're every bit as important as anybody else. Your important to me. And your acting like I don't enjoy your company. I love you here, I'm not alone all the time. Plus, my home is clean all the time now." He smirked and Annabeth rolled her eyes. "You're my best friend Wise Girl. Besides, I want you to meet all my friends, and my mom, and Paul. It's going to be so much fun-"

"You're ranting Seaweed Brain." Annabeth smiled, kissing his cheek and Percy chuckled nervously.


"I'll never be able to-"

"Nope. Come on. I believe in you, we can do this."

Annabeth never believed it herself. How did she end up here? Currently, she was waiting for Percy to come home from work. She had a hot chocolate in her hands, a blanket wrapped up around herself. The heater was in front of her, and Annabeth found herself warm to the limbs. She didn't even notice how Percy had tapped her shoulder.

"Uh Wise Girl?"

"What? Oh hey Seaweed Brain."

"What's up?"

Annabeth smiled. "Nothing. I was just waiting for you to get home. It's freezing." She sat next to Percy, and Percy wrapped a careful arm around her shoulders, digging his nose into her curls.

"You okay?"

"I'm just... I just realized how lucky I am right now. Thank you Percy." She muttered.

He chuckled. "Ah, no big deal. I mean, even if-" Annabeth kissed him. Percy let out a muffled sound and she pulled away with a smile. "A- a little warning w-would've been nice-" She kissed him again and he chuckled, cupping her jaw, the pad of his thumb against her cheek. Annabeth smiled and kissed his cheek, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you."

"Wise Girl, stop saying that." He complained, curling his finger around her curls. Annabeth shrugged.

"But I really am th-"

"Do I have to kiss you again to stop?" He teased, kissing her nose and she sighed.

"Okay okay-" Percy kissed her and smiled excitedly. "I love kissing you. It's the best thing ever." He exclaimed in between kisses.

"Percy!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Love you Wise Girl." He muttered, resting his cheek against her hair.

Annabeth smiled softly, "I love you too Seaweed Brain."

This chapter sucks, but it's one in the morning and I wrote this in like an hour, sorry!!

I just got braces a few days ago, and they hurt so bad. To top it off, today I got four teeth pulled out, and it won't stop bleeding! They've been bleeding for seven hours now, and they really hurt. Luckily my medicine as taken the pain away allowing me to write this up. I would've updated earlier but Iv'e been at the dentist all day practically.

QOTC: do you like the dentist?


{April 19, 2016}

percabeth one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now