Jesse & Long Time Ago

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Jesse reached into his back pocket and took out an IPhone 5. "Finally got a phone." He waved it back and forth in his hand for a long moment. During that same long moment, I had been speechless.

Everyone stared at me in complete bewilderment. No one had seen me speechless. Maybe a little surprised or taken back, but never this bad. Calvin raised an eyebrow. Will and Henry craned their neck to see over the desk for a better view.

I could only stare at Jesse. He took my breath away just like the first time we'd met in sixth grade. That year we had become such good friends that it wasn't a surprise he asked me out to the movies in seventh grade. Of course, I was no scardy-cat then and I went to the movies with him.

Damn, I hate you, I thought with a gulp, though not sure whether I was referring to myself or Jesse-but probably both-peeled my gaze from Jesse, and got to my feet.

I cleared my throat. I wasn't going to lose my rep over on old crush. I walked past Jesse, who looked a little stunned and hurt. For a long moment he stayed squatting until he stood straight up, spun around on his toes to face the front of the classroom, and asked Miss Myacoff where his seat was.

Normally my day would end with chem., but recently it seemed more like chem. was the beginning of my day.


It was the end of the day. I stood up and raced to my locker to avoid Jesse. I'd never packed up my backpack so fast. I slammed my locker door shut, but when I turned to leave, Jesse was in my way.

I gulped. "Uh-u-um, I have to go!"

I shoved past him. I didn't get very far. He grabbed my shoulder. I, in return and instinctive reaction, grabbed his hand. I jabbed my hip into Jesse's hip and bent over, squatted, and pulled his arm over my shoulder. Jesse flipped straight over my back. I straightened up as he lay on the ground.

"Hey, new guy!" shouted Calvin and Jesse looked up just in time for flour to dump onto his head.

I crossed my arms. My reputation stood firm as the tiny but fierce kind. Calvin the outsider had just gained some popularity.


Calvin and I sat at one of the park's picnic tables. We finished planning for tomorrow and after I ranted on about how weird it was that Will and Henry haven't tried to get their revenge on our petty pranks since our agreement-until Calvin reminded me I'd disconnected Will's shoulder. They were probably planning something big. Our pranks were slowly getting better and bigger, but the boys hadn't pranked us in reply.

"So, how do you know the new retard?" questioned Calvin, curiosity getting the better of him.

"I told you enough about me-more than I've fucking told anyone since him!" I blurted out, irritation getting the better if me, and I cursed myself. Calvin's expression told me he was cursing himself mentally just like I was. I knew the two words 'since him' were treading on Calvin's brain by his curious and confused expression. 

If I don't tell Calvin, he could misunderstand, but if I do tell him...Ah, to hell with it.

"We dated in junior high," I admitted and Calvin's jaw dropped.

"Y-you had a boyfriend?" He asked, smothering a laugh, and I glared at him.

"Bullies aren't all born evil," I retorted, "Besides, that was a long time ago."

Calvin stopped laughing at me, and I scowled slightly as his eyes softened. "And not all outsiders are useless basket case's that deserve to die and no one would care if they did."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. It wasn't that I believed they deserved to die. It was that I believed no one would care if they did. I've looked up basket case in the dictionary and it read something like 'a person who is helpless and incapable'. In my biased view, that was the same as useless. Apparently it wasn't like that for Calvin. 

"Fine, we'll both prove we're right. This Friday when I come to visit Carrie?" Calvin challenged.

"That's tomorrow," I pointed out.

"You scared?" Calvin smirked.

"Fine, tomorrow," I snapped.

"Now, about...what's his name?" Calvin said and I groaned, leaning back in my seat.

"Jesse," I grumbled.

"Isn't that a girl's name?" muttered Calvin.

"No, it's unisex and I'm pretty sure it was originally a boy's name, but I'm not sure," I stated.

"You just stuck up for him." Calvin's left eyebrow raised. "You. Stuck up. For a person. A freaking human being!"

My scowl deepened. "Look, Callie, don't-"

"Excuses, excuses, excuses." Calvin's smirk grew.

I clenched my fist as I thought, This fucking bastard!

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