But, how about the times she found Isaac injured? He planned this from the start so it must be some kind of trick too.

"That time, when you were injured. The kingx were never the ones that hurt you" she declared confidently.

"Yes. I'd like to say it is sauce but sadly it's not. How I got them is not important anyway"

'Maybe you deserve them' she wants to scream.

"I won't let you hurt him" She said with full determination. She thought she heard footsteps coming closer to the room but she was too mad to care.

Isaac's eyes flickered to the doorway and he smirk a little before saying, "Says the girl who played him. Feel that. What will he think of that? You. Played. him"

"Stop saying that!" she yelled, "I did played him but now-"

"Enough" Ellie heard Archer's lethal voice from the side. Chills ran over her body. Oh no, Archer heard what she said. Her head snapped to the door. Her eyes widen when she saw his face.

When she used to look at Archer, he always looked at her with his eyes going soft the longer their gaze hold. But, this time it's different. She couldn't tear her eyes away, when she saw disgust in them, even if she wants too. Her heart sank. She barely noticed the other students behind him.

The footsteps. She should have pay attention to it. She remembered Isaac's smirk. For some reason, she thought of what he said earlier, 'He'll know. Soon.' Isaac planned this too! He fooled her again. She can't belief she had once trusted him. 'This can't be real, it should happen in movies only' she again thought. She wants to wake up.

Her mind worked with ways to explain the truth to Archer. If she told him that everything's change when she fell for him, he'll let it go. Yeah, that's it. He always listened to her. And she was sure that he loves her so he'll listen.

"Archer, I-" she stopped when she concentrate on the situation and saw his cold gaze trained on her.

No, no. He isn't going to belief her anymore. She just knew it somehow. Her heart hurts. He never looked at her that way, she didn't like this look, she's...terrified of it. When Archer sends it to someone else, she felt sorry for whoever was at the other end but now, it's directed at her and it felt so different.

"Archer" she whispered,

"Get out" he ordered as he looked at Isaac. Isaac's eyes widen in fear and consciously approach the door, but he wasn't safe either as she saw James standing by the doorway sending her a disappointed look. Now, she lost a friend too.

What the hell had she done?

Chills won't stop spreading over her body, her body shook. Her heart beating fast. Archer was watching Isaac leave.

"Archer" she tried one more time.

Before she realize, her back was suddenly pressed against the wall, "You fucking c*nt" her eyes widen. Archer never used words like that for her to hear or even worse, call her. That alone stupidly makes her feel pain, at his harshness. Her mouth opened and closed but no words escaped from her lips. She can only stare at him with shock and...fear True fear unlike the tame ones before.

"I trust you. I fucking trust you. Confide in you. So, why?" he growls and hit the wall beside her head making her jumped.

"It's not what you think!"

"Is what he said true?"

"Y-yes but-" she only managed to whisper while eyeing him cautiously.

"You played me from the start?"

He was blinded by rage so he didn't listen to her. She knew all traces of the Archer she knew was gone. She turned him into this. She stood there shaking and speechless. She knew that nothing she said would change his mind.

"Should've known, it was too easy, who would honestly like Archer, the crazy beast!"

"No, don't say that" she knew that Archer is going to once feel like he's being used and abandoned once again as it scarred it him deeply, "Listen to me" she said desperately. She didn't want to hear him calling himself like that.

"Why? So, I'd be deceived once again? I never did that to you" She knew he was right, when she asked him things he don't want to answer he doesn't lie, he frankly told her that he can't tell her.

"I fucking fell for it. And I loved you" his voice shook before he braces himself and shouts angrily, "I fucking loved you!"

"And I love you!" she cried back, ignoring the fact that he used 'loved'

"Lies" he growled menacingly, hitting the wall her again making her wince. His expression paralyze her, stopped her from saying anything more.

"You're even worse than them."

Ellie knew that he referred to all those who passed him around like a toy. 'Speak up! Say something!' but her body won't obey.

"You know why? Because they don't give me fu**ing false hope. Hope that I could actually be fucking loved."

She shook her head, Archer needs to know that he's wrong and he is loved.

"No, Archer!" she finally manage to speak up, "I do love y-"

"Don't" he cuts her off. "You're trying to prove that the bastard only deserve lies and fake love? Then you fucking succeeded. So, acting's actually you're thing, huh? You never once made me doubt with all the fake tears" he laughed humorlessly, coldly. "You've succeeded. Now I come to see that all that naiveness is all an act too. You're promoted to A-class b****h like you always wanted to be"

Her lips tremble as tears threaten her eyes. She felt like she's been stabbed over again hearing that from him. He was talking about the time she told him that she didn't want to be naïve.

But, Ellie believe that he was getting defensive. That's the only way she could cope with his words.

They're both hurt. They've always been each other's comfort when they're hurting so instinctively reached for him. But as soon her fingers brush his skin, he reeled away like her touch burned him. He turned and leaved her before giving her one last look.

Ellie slid down the wall and sat on the floor, staring at one spot.

Hatred. She'd seen hatred in his eyes. Archer hates her. Why is it so hard to believe that?

'Because you love him and you don't want to accept the truth. The truth that he hates you now' a voice in her head answered her.

She covered her mouth when a sob escaped her lips, but she realized tears can't pour out from her eyes like she expected. It hurts her too much to think of other things besides the fact that she lost him.

She lost Archer for good.

Archer had built walls that he let her break. Now he built a fortress. How will she ever break this one?

He won't let her.


A/N: Also, I wrote this chapter before chapter 10. It suddenly came into my mind. But, I wrote it in a paper during class(should've learn from my mistake) but I couldn't find that anymore. It was the first and I felt that it's much better. But, it's gone so here's the secondhand chapter. Hope you guys like it^^ If I ever find that piece of paper, I'll change it.

You can skip this part:

Guess who followed me on Instagram? Donotmicrowave! That's it people. Author of the funniest, the most amazing book in wattpad- 'THE CELL PHONE SWAP'

If you're a fan, you'll understand why I'm so happy or feel this need to brag lol. I have no idea what I did that made her follow me.


Goodnight everyone^^ I'll try updating the new chapter as soon as possible (The endings always so tricky so I have to work extra hard though)

Pic : Archer's mom

Playing for Keeps[Kingx#1] [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin