Chapter 23 - Murs de papier les désaccords et les destinations finales

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"Why the hell would you think that?!" Jane's voice travelled up the stairs. Jeanette lay on her side, staring blankly at the wall and listening to the conversation that made its way through the thin walls and the open doors.

She was still clutching the ring, contemplating her existence. She had a red army knife pressed against the skin of her wrist. She was ready to do it, ready to see him again until Bethany's face appeared in her mind. She couldn't leave the child she saw as a daughter. Her father always said that God didn't let those who took their own life through the gates of heaven. He said it was wrong and a sign of weakness. God couldn't have weak people in his kingdom. She didn't agree with what he said but she still couldn't do it. She couldn't drag the sharp, glinting blade across her pained skin.

"Because it's the truth!" Courtney yelled back. Their fighting had woken her up from her trance. She hadn't slept at all that night. She lay staring at the ceiling, feeling the sun heat up her freezing body. The stars had disappeared and as the moon dropped out of sight, the sun took its rightful place.

"Why?! Why do you want to do that?! Jane screamed back. They had woken and ate breakfast just like usual when suddenly, the shouting match started. Jeanette had been listening to the entire thing.

Her door slowly swung open and Bethany's scared, tearful face appeared. Jeanette kept her eyes fixed on the wall, not looking at her broken little face. She walked up to the bed and crawled over her body, lying behind her. "They won't stop." She whimpered. Jeanette stayed silent, she didn't have anything to say.

"Because it's our best chance, we're chasing after a ghost. We already lost Clifton, you want to lose more?!" Jeanette flinched at Courtney's mention of his name. Bethany let out a quiet whimper. She had lost someone who was like a father to her. She didn't want to believe he was dead either but she wasn't as close with him as Jeanette was.

Jane's face was red with anger, she knew Courtney would do this. She knew it. Drew and Nate were sat on the couch watching their dispute. Ross stood behind Courtney, tired of the constant arguing.

"Don't. Don't pull that card!" Jane bit back, furious at Courtney. They had eaten a makeshift breakfast and when planning what to do, Courtney brought up this.

Courtney pulled her head back and opened her arms out wide. "I'm not pulling any card!" She defended. Looking at Jane wide eyed. "I just think it would be best if we turned around and headed West." She said quieter, trying to reason with Jane and the others. "We don't even know if they made it this far, they could've turned around and here we are, heading down a dead-end." She said, hoping they could see it from her point of view.

"She has a point," Drew mumbled. All head snapped to him. Jane glared at him, thinking this was a way to get back at her. He shrugged and looked at everyone, purposely avoiding Jane. "We don't know where they are and I don't want to risk losing more people." He said sadly at the memory of Clifton.

"Look," Nate said firmly, standing from his seated position and pulling a cigarette from his pocket. He was running low. "My family is out there. And I'm going to find them." He sent them all a quick glare and went out the back door, pulling the lighter from his other pocket. Jane complained this morning about the smell and forced him to smoke them outside or just not around her.

"So you want to turn around? Give up?" Jane accused, sneering at Courtney. Courtney sighed in frustration.

"It was a suggestion. It's just what I think is best, what I think we should do. I wasn't telling you it's what were going to do!" She growled back, hoping Jane would actually understand this time.

"Fine. Well, I say we continue with the plan." She looked from Courtney to Drew. "We head East." She stormed out the room and slammed her feet against the stairs as she ascended. Slamming the door of the room behind her to get her point across.

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