Chapter 16 - Réveiller témoin de la mort et comprendre le nouveau monde

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Jane's eyes blinked open, her back was sore from being hunched over Drew's bed. She could feel his hand in hers and it gave her a sense of comfort. She sat back and pushed her chest out exhaling when she heard the crack. She sat back in the seat, opening her eyes wide and sighing as she felt herself gradually wake up.

He took a breath and she looked down at him. His face was dry of sweat and his cheeks were rosy red. His eyes fluttered open and he licked his dry lips, looking around at the room. She sat forward slightly.

"Where are we?" He asked, catching sight of her by his side. He felt his lips tug upwards but he did his best to suppress the smile.

"We're at the army base." She whispered, hope and comfort in her voice. His eyes widened and he leant back further into the pillow, feeling his body relax.

"Really?" He asked with disbelief, his eyes connected with hers, surprise written all over his face.

"Yeah, we got in yesterday. They fixed you up properly." She said, leaning forward and pulling back the blanket to show him his bandaged chest. Only a little blood was showing against the white. He smiled and touched it with his hand. "They said when you can stand you can have a shower," Jane said.

"Alright," Drew said thankfully, throwing the blanket off and moving his legs around. He groaned in pain, feeling his tight skin yell in disagreement as he moved to sit up.

"What are you doing?" Jane asked frantically, shooting up and running to the other side of the bed to push him back in but he was already sitting up with his legs swinging off the edge. His feet recoiled when they touched the ice-like ground.

"I'm going to take a shower." He said with his eyes focused on his legs, his hands scrunched the blanket as he counted to three in his head, preparing himself for the pain.

"No, you're not," Jane said firmly, placing her hand on his shoulder to push him back. "You have to rest." She said trying to persuade him. He looked up at her with a raised brow. She pushed her glasses up her nose and held his stare hoping to win, but she was never good with pressure. She looked away first and he breathed out a laugh.

He was ready to go when he got to three but the voice of a man stopped him. "What do you think you're doing?" Drew didn't look up, he didn't take notice of the man. All his focus was on getting up from the bed and taking a shower. Something he was now craving more than anything.

"I'm getting up, what does it look like?" He asked cockily and pushed with all his strength, the man protested but Drew ignored him. Jane pulled his arm over her shoulder as he looked like he was going to tumble to the ground.

The doctor came into view and Drew stared at him. He was an older man with grey hairs creeping in through the dark brown ones. He was wearing a white coat that was slightly too big for him. He was tall and skinny, his coat hanging around his narrow shoulders, he held the clipboard tight in his grip and watched Drew with angry eyes.

"You can't! You-you have to rest!" He objected, waving his clipboard around wildly and staring at Drew in horror.

Drew sighed and started staggering past him, holding his burning side. "Yeah, well I need to shower," He mumbled and continued walking. Jane sighed but didn't say anything, she agreed with the doctor. She gently pulled him in the direction of the door with the shower symbol while the doctor continued to protest even when Drew had gone into the room.


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