Chapter 12 - Fixation des plaies sans circulation d'air et haïr la vérité

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Ross and Nate managed to lift Drew's weak, slumped body onto the kitchen dining table. As soon as Ross got Drew on the table, he was ready to go after the guy who did this. He strode out the kitchen, hearing the commotion get quieter as he neared the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Courtney asked sternly, standing directly in front of him, blocking him from the exit. Just as he opened his mouth to answer, she kept talking. "You're not going out there. You don't even know where this person went and it's about to rain. We are not losing you and...." Her eyes looked at his shoulder since she couldn't see over, she just looked directly at it. She didn't know how to finish that sentence, she couldn't lose someone else not after Annie.

Ross stepped forward and put his hands on her shoulders, his face changed to a look of comfort and sadness. He was just as worried as the others. "Hey.." He said quietly to get her attention, her eyes connected with his and he could see the despair in them, her skin was pale and her nose was scrunched up as she sniffed. "We are not going to lose Drew okay? He's going to be okay. But we need to help." He could hear Jane's panicky voice as she flapped around Drew's unconscious body.

Courtney nodded and Ross's hands dropped to his sides except one which went to her lower back, he eased her forward so she could find her footing. They both walked into the kitchen where Drew was. Alex and Nate paced and looked at him worriedly while Jane ran around frantically opening cupboards and crying, her sobs echoing in the room.

"Help him!" Jane screamed when she saw Courtney and Ross standing and watching. Her body shook and her mind spun, she didn't even know what she was doing. Drew was bleeding out and she was the only one doing something. His red blood ran down the legs of the table. his shirt was ripped and his flesh was jagged.

"I don't- I can't do- there's-" Courtney stuttered. Her mind spun as she stared at Drew's pale, damp skin.

"You fixed yourself up all the time after your mother beat the shit out of you!" Jane screamed and everyone in the room froze. Courtney lifted her head slowly and turned to face Jane, her eyes wide and her mouth parted. A look of shock, anger and surprise covered her face. Nate and Alex looked at Courtney with sympathy but Jane was completely oblivious to what she said and instead looked expectantly at her. Ross glared at Jane, disgusted that she could say something like that.

Instead of fighting back and yelling, Courtney looked over to Drew's body, his chest slowly rising and falling. It was barely visible. His laboured breath was now the only thing to be heard. "Alex, Nate." She snapped getting their attention but they were already looking at her. "Get blankets, t-shirts anything we can use to stop the bleeding." They both nodded at the authority in her voice and ran off to the stairs. Courtney turned to face Ross who was looking at her in admiration. "Find anything medical, I don't care what it is. Plasters, needles, anything." He nodded and ran after the other boys. His feet hitting off the stairs above them gave the girls some sort of comfort.

"What do I do?" Jane asked weakly. Her hands shaking and her eyes glistened with tears. She swallowed and stepped forward closing in on Courtney.

"Lift up his top," Courtney said with no emotion, she didn't want Jane to get any closer to her. Jane changed direction and lifted his drenched top. Courtney turned at the sight and moved over to the bags. She rummaged through them until she found everything she needed. She dropped the torches, matches and candles on one of the chairs by the table.

Jane started crying again once she saw the wound, blood pumping out and dripping onto the floor. She could feel it soaking the soles of her shoes. Nate, Alex and Ross barged into the room dumping everything they found onto the floor creating a clattering sound.

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