Chapter 22 - Coincé sous le choc pointant des doigts et l'amour éternel

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Jane was in shock. She didn't even hear Courtney and Ross approaching her. Ross stood frozen, staring at what he knew were Clifton's remains. Courtney was knelt in front of Jane, staring at her vacant, pale face. Her eyes were wide and flooded with tears. They were empty of all thoughts and feelings. Clifton's death played back in her head like a record stuck on repeat, soon enough she'd learn every word. Jane knew every moment, every second and every move he had made.

She jumped when Courtney's hand was placed gently on her shoulder. Her eyes met Courtney's green consoling ones. Her hands gripped Jane's shoulders and she helped the unstable girl to her feet. Jane could see her mouth moving but every noise around her faded. Clifton's screams were louder than everything, even her thoughts.

Jane looked over Courtney's shoulder and kept her eyes on his remains. The bright blood caused her to squint her eyes and it's metallic smell wafted up her nose. She held her breath as Courtney dragged her out the shop.

Ross stayed behind. The blood seeped further out until it pooled around his black shoes, staining them red. His mind was blank. He prayed after Annie died that no one else would. The grey bones sat in a pile in the centre of the growing puddle. Unmoving. His clothes covered them, soaked in red. The black barrel of the gun poked out, pointing itself in Ross's direction.

They heard the yells from the gas station. Screams of pain rang out like car alarms and before he could think, his feet were already moving in the direction of them.

He pulled himself away and rubbed his nose with his hand. He sealed his eyes shut and lifted his head up to the roof, opening them and staring above, willing himself not to cry. He walked to the side and found a clear path. As he was walking his feet caught on something, he stumbled and looked around in a panic, his hand reaching for his gun. He sighed when he saw it was a plastic bag. He pulled it up, hearing the material ruffle and objects inside clash together.

A radio, red swiss army knife, water, batteries and some food.

He walked through the broken door and looked for Courtney and Jane, seeing them together at the car. He strode over to them, the bag swinging by his side. As soon as Jane heard the plastic ruffling noise, she burst into tears again. Her eyes were closed tightly shut but tears still managed to creep through. Water rushed down her face it was hard to tell where it was coming from.

Courtney whispered her name, trying to console her but it didn't work. Ross threw the bag in the open trunk along with the gas they had managed to siphon, not much but it would be enough. He made his way back into the station to find the food and water they'd left when running out in a hurry.

After the car was full, he gave Courtney a nod. She helped a sobbing Jane to her feet and managed to push her in the backseat. Ross stepped into the drivers seat expecting Courtney to get in beside him but she hopped in the back, next to Jane.

The car ride was silent, the air heavy. Jane's heavy breaths became even and her sobs had quietened. Ross gripped the steering wheel and looked over to his right where Clifton was, where Clifton should've been. The seat was empty, the neatly folded map sat in his place. His eyes moved back to the road as he thought about how to tell the group.

His head spun and it was amazing he hadn't crashed the car. He glanced into the rear view mirror to see only half of Courtney's face. She looked defeated. She had a little hope. Now it was gone. Her eyes were locked onto Jane, they didn't move or waver.

"I'll tell them." Courtney's voice broke the burdensome silence. She moved her head to look at Ross through the mirror. "I'll tell them." She looked down and mumbled the next words so no on heard. "It's on me." Ross nodded slowly, he wanted to be the one, he just didn't think he could. It was too hard.

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