Chapter 6 - Gens disparues choquant les vérités vies perdues et os morts

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Once Nate and Ross had buried the bones in the garden, everyone stood before the graves, staying silent in respect. The only thing to be heard was Drew's quiet whimpering and it was heartbreaking for them to listen to. They walked back to the house one by one until it was only Drew and Jane who stood outside. Courtney sat on the sofa in the living room with the others waiting until it was time to go. She had managed to find a decent map, a torch and some batteries, a radio and a small, nearly empty first aid kit.

They sat there in silence, staring at either the wall or the photos on the walls. The back door swung open and Alex along with the others grabbed their packs and left the house, waiting in the driveway. It wasn't long before Jane and Drew emerged, locking the door behind them. Drew had no expression on his face but his eyes were red and weary, his cheeks pale and his skin seemed heavy on his face.

The next house was Nate's. His was a few blocks from Drew's, about a ten-minute walk. The further they got from the main street by the school, the fewer bones covered the streets, only a few lay scattered around. The clothes were everywhere though, the wind must have picked them up and thrown them around, they were strewn across the ground and tangled in trees. Jane kept her eyes stuck on the road ahead, her still holding held Drew's tightly. He hadn't let go and Jane didn't think he could. She shivered every time her legs came into contact with bones, closing her eyes but never looking down.

Nate strode forward, turning left at the end of Drew's street and heading up a steep hill, empty of bones but a small pile stacked at the bottom. Nate decided it was easier to go around the bones rather than through. He marched up the hill, determined to get there without any obstacles. He was scared now, as he neared his house he debated on whether or not he really wanted to know. He could've chosen not to find out like Courtney but it was the not knowing that was killing him.

Ross stayed behind, keeping at the back of the group. Something felt wrong but he wasn't sure what. There were no people, no noise. Everyone seemed to have died in the rain. It was too quiet. He expected at least a couple of people, even a cat or two. But no, there was nothing. He kept to the back, his eyes observant.

Once the enormous, exquisite house came into view he couldn't stop himself, he tried but it was as if all his common sense just flew out of his mind. He sprinted towards the house, scampering up the driveway past the two expensive cars, and busted the front door open, falling through and collapsing on the ground. Hoisting himself from the ground, he ran around the entire house calling out for anyone. Even his brother who he knew wasn't here.

They all ran after him, not as fast in order to give him a chance to see for himself. Once they made it to the house, they stood in the main room hearing his yells and pleads echo around the residence.

Annie admired the house, the marble floors and delicately painted walls. His parents obviously had a lot of money. It was no secret that Nate and his family were rich but seeing Nate by himself, you never would have guessed. They stood in the circular hall, two sets of marble spiral stairs on either side. The crystal chandelier hung above them, sending fragments of light to the ground below.

The french doors ahead of them showed a gorgeous, well-kept garden. It showed how different people lived. From Drew's messy, unclean house, with the overgrown garden to Nate's luxurious mansion.

He gave up, stepping heavily down the steps, his scuffed converse smacking off the marble. They saw the crushed look on his face when he came into view. He was alone. The dizziness hit him like a wave and he stumbled down the last few steps. Alex rushed forward and caught him before he could hit the solid ground, he wasn't unconscious, he was just sucked of life. He just wanted to lie down, sleep and never wake up. Alex sat him down on the last step and watched as he stretched his wiry legs out and released a deep breath.

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