Moldova, Romania

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As the flight to Romania continues:

The masking tape that once covered Maria's mouth was now slowly removed by the agents. The young woman then screamed as the pain of the elastic taste brought her to tears.

Once she calmed down, she turned to the person in front of her.

"Look Mr. D ..."

"Agent Dorrington," the gentleman sitting next to Maria replied.

"Okay, Agent Dorrington. I don't know why you and your partner have taken me from the only country who has treated me and my ballet dancing seriously, but both of you are going to regret this once 'Papa' finds out that I'm gone!" she exclaimed.

Another voice interrupted her thoughts, which took Maria by surprise, for she didn't think the other agent would be listening so intently. Agent Garnet had been badgering Maria with so many questions earlier that she was beginning to despise him.

"Maria, must I repeat again that you are not from Russia! Vladimir and his men only made you think that way," the man behind her reiterated.

"Yes, I know Agent Garnet, and for the last time I don't want to see my mother! She left me when I was a kid; she doesn't deserve to see me!"

"Sorry to but in, but Maria, we think it's the only way for you to remember your past. You don't even remember your last name," Agent Dorrington interrupted.

"It's Avilov."

Both men sadly shook their heads no.

"Okay, fine! I don't recall!" Maria blurted out with disappointment and shrugged her shoulders.

"You see? You were drugged to forget so easily. Your last name is Dizon, Maria. Don't you remember you lived in the United States before?" 

She shook her head no.  

"Here, please take a sip of water, maybe that will ease your mind"," Garnet suggested.

But Maria didn't want to listen to him. Garnet's biting words caused her to have a tantrum, and as she took the plastic cup from him, the young lady threw it in his face. It definitely startled the agent, but Garnet chuckled as he took a handkerchief from his shirt's pocket, and faced Dorrington.

"Mind if you help me out Rick? She is defiantly a hard one to convince!"

Dorrington looked at his partner with sympathy and agreed, but just managed to smirk. Rick didn't think he could handle Maria either. But things were going to change as the trio was headed to Moldova, Romania.


Meanwhile, back in St. Petersburg:

Vladimir and his men just realized their beautiful ballerina was now gone. The ballet director was late in notifying them on what had happened. Thus, the poor man was taken in by Vladimir's men to the same private room that once was the exact place where the agents used. As the four men went into the room, Vladimir gave the nod for his men to attack Mr. Bazin. Armando and Diego then walked toward the trembling victim toward the corner. Armando pinned Mr. Bazin against the wall, grabbed him by the collar and was about to punch him, when Vladimir's hand stopped him.

"Armando, STOP! We want to threaten him first and see if he can give us more details," the mastermind commanded.

His boss's words irritated him, but Armando put his hands down and quietly backed away. He too was afraid of Vladimir for the crook was someone you didn't want to mess with. Thus, Vladimir took over and walked up to Bazin.

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