Arizona - "Unusual Victims"

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The next short story I wrote about takes place in one of the hottest places of the United States: Arizona. Here, humid weather mostly occurs every day; thus wild, native plants are typically known to grow in this semi - arid region.

The most common plants grown here are known as the cactus (singular form) or cacti (plural form) when they are found bunched together. They lurk everywhere in Arizona, with their spiky needles, spines, wild flowers and sweet fruit.

And I found out that these plants are the targets of bandits because when they are stolen, these native plants could be sold for a huge amount of money. Since the state's national treasure are indeed the Saguaro cactus's flower, anyone found guilty of stealing these precious plants can be fined or put in jail by the 'cactus' police.

But the question that remains is why are these cacti being chopped down?  I find it kind of idiotic. But going through some grocery stories, I learned that they could be eaten or planted in various kinds of tropical weather.  It seems to me that many residents who are fond of the cactus would also like to own one of their own for easy access. Thus, these uncommon plants are the main topics in my story that needs to be saved.

"Unusual Victims"

It was a warm afternoon, where the scorching sun that blazed earlier in the sky, faded away as some hazy clouds covered it.  A screeching sound of a truck driven by a sobbing reddish brunette roared as the engine died down. Tamera Wilkson parked the stolen vehicle at the nearest gas station in the town of Scottsdale, Arizona.  She had to find her friend, Leticia Lopez as soon as possible. They needed to find a way to get back home to Utah, before they get caught.


"Young lady, once you walk out that door, there's no turning back!" Mr. Wilkson hollered.

Pushing the screen door aside, Tamera looked outside into the fresh air and heavily sighed. She was holding her luggage that contained some of her clothes and other necessities, in one hand and her purse in the other.

Tamera had been in another heated argument with her father, since he wouldn't allow her to attend a party – a celebration her best friend, Leticia, threw that took place in a bar.

It sounded ridiculous, but all that Mr. Wilkson wanted was to protect his only daughter from harm, but Tammy refused to listen. And, this was not the first altercation they couldn't agree upon on.

Father and daughter constantly fought over the most ridiculous things, such as the incident where Tammy accidentally ate her father's sandwich by accident, or when she wore revealing clothes that almost showed the indecent parts of her body.

But today's argument would be different, because it would be the day where she left for good. Or that was what Tamera thought she would be doing.


Tamera shouted back to her father.

"I am twenty-one Dad! For heaven's sake I am a young adult now, and can make my own decisions!"

"Don't talk back to me now, Tammy! You come back in here this instant!"

This ongoing fiasco upset Tamera's mother and her younger brother, Theo, as they watched this scene unveil. They stood in the hallway with facial expressions of sorrow and pain.

"I'm sorry Dad, but I'm leaving! My mind's made up, there's nothing you can do," Tammy replied.

She looked into her brother's tearful green eyes and walked towards him. In her heart, Tammy didn't want to leave her family behind, but she needed to get away from her argumentative father.

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