2. Save Your Breath

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My eyes slowly open to a white ceiling, not the normal starry night sky. My body bolts up from the bed and peeks nervously around the room. I jump at the sound of loud, heavy footsteps approaching the door opposite my location. The door opens to reveal a tall skeleton holding a plate of... Noddles? "HUMAN! YOU'RE AWAKE! I HAVE MADE YOU SOME SPAGHETTI!" He yells. I just stare in shock. Finally I speak up. "W-What ARE you?" I ask. 'Oh God, that was really rude, wasn't it?'

"I'M A SKELETON!" He replies. I giggle at his response. "Are you like... A monster, kinda?' I ask patiently. "Yeah, what's it to you?" Asks a deeper voice. I turn towards the door way where a another, more intimating skeleton is leaning against the door frame. I swing my legs over the bed in a attempt to stand. However, my legs feel like jelly, and I wobble as I stand. "What's your name, Sweetheart?" The skeleton in the doorway asks. I reply with, "Not sweetheart." He glares at me, so I add on, "My name Is (Y/N) (L/N), and you are?" He chuckles sending shivers down my spine. "My real name isn't important. Just call me Gas. This is my brother, Papyrus." He tells me. I just nod and smile. I can't hold up this act that I'm Ok anymore. I'm so terrified of these guys, I don't know if they mean harm or not.

"HUMAN! YOU SHOULD COME MEET EVERYONE!" Papyrus suggests. "Sure, that sounds... fun...." I stand up and follow him out of the room, where Gas seems to be following closely behind. I feel... Alone. Despite the people surrounding me, I feel empty. My footsteps get heavier and heavier with every movement, but I just keep walking. Surely I can make it through soon, right? Right?

(Gas' POV)

I don't understand why I let Pap take her to our base. Maybe she's a spy? A assassin? A hunter? Or maybe I'm just being paranoid, and she's a normal girl. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on her for now. Y/N, huh? Maybe she's not so bad. There's something about her that I cant explain. She's just so... calm? Happy? It's weird, most people would be a lot more scared of two skeletons, let alone monsters at all. But not her. '...So, Um... Where exactly am I?" She asks nervously. "I'm not going to tell you about your location, so save your breath, Dove." I tell her. I laugh at her facial expression. I can't really tell if she's annoyed at the nickname or the fact she doesn't know where she is. We approach Undyne's Office. "well, this'll be fun." I mumble as pap opens the door. Wonder what Undyne will do. 

(A/N: Sorry, I gotta go to school now! See you next time! BOI!)

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