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Your P.O.V

I scream, running. Something was following me. I don't know what. I am too scared to look behind me. I hear twigs snap behind me. It was getting closer. It was gaining on me.

'Calm down (y/n),' I tell myself. My self encouragement didn't work. I screamed once more, desperate for someone to save me. I was so afraid.

Why do I have to be in this stupid cliché situation? Here I am. Running from an unknown assailant. In a forest. Woo. Best way to start off a day.

I see see the edge of the forest. Hope. If I can make it to the edge, I can get help. The thing chasing me is on my tail now. The adrenaline keep me going.

I trip over a tree root, my face in the dirt. I hear leaves crunching then everything went black.

Warped Reality (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now