3 - Determination

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"Sakura!" Ryu cried, watching in horror as the pink haired girl went limp. He struggled more against the invisible bonds that his mind falsely said were around him. "Leave her alone, Shiro. It's me you want, not her."

"On the contrary," Shiro said, stepping away from Sakura. Without any carefulness, Daichi flung Sakura up by the arm, wincing when she slammed against his shoulder. Daichi put his arm around her waist to keep her from falling, Shiro examining every moment with curious eyes, "I'm starting to wonder if I want to take the girl more than you."

"Please. I'm begging you. Just leave Sakura alone," Ryu pleaded.

Promise me you'll do whatever it takes to protect the ones you care about. The memory of the familiar weak voice rang through Ryu's head. He saw black eyes gazing at him, pleading with him to do as he asked.

Shiro chuckled, walking up to Ryu. He grabbed him by the shirt collar, bringing him off the ground by it so they were eye to eye. "Tell me, Sarutobi, have you ever been betrayed?"

Ryu's gut knotted up. Was it possible that.....

"Probably not," Shiro answered himself. "But that betrayal gives birth to the want of revenge. Sometimes the want of revenge can be a lot stronger than the want to prove yourself or get something as common as money." He chuckled. "Enough talk, though. We need to get going before the Anbu track us down again." The escaped prisoner's hand shot forward, grasping Ryu by the forehead. "You chose the wrong time to wonder from the group, little Sarutobi." A cold amusement filled Shiro's eyes as he said, "Mind style! Main pain jutsu!"

Pain exploded within Ryu, a scream torn from his throat. The pain was so strong that Ryu could barely think. Darkness tried to push down on him, attempting to drag him into unconsciousness.

He couldn't faint, though, no matter how tempting it was to end the pain. He had to try and protect..... protect. It took Ryu a moment to remember her name his mind was so clouded from pain. Ryu had to try and protect Sakura.

Shiro pulled his hand away, staring at Ryu in fascination, yet also in confusion. "How are you still conscious? Even Anbu members have fainted from the pain created from the mind pain jutsu," Shiro said.

"Leave..... Sakura...... alo-" Ryu couldn't finish. It had taken all of his energy to just stay conscious during the jutsu. He looked over at Sakura as his eyes began to close, the darkness reaching up to claim him. I won't let them hurt you, Sakura, Ryu thought before he was dragged down into the darkness of unconsciousness.

° ◊ ° ◊ ° ◊

Because of your selfishness, an unfamiliar voice echoed in Ryu's head, the child your wife shall give birth to will be cursed for the rest of his life. Because of what you have done, your cursed child shall be the destruction of the world as you know it.

° ◊ ° ◊ ° ◊

Ryu blinked, the words of his dream echoing in his head. He'd expected to be in his bed at his apartment, so he was confused when he felt hard earth against his back. The air filling the area he was in seemed damp. Moss even grew on a few of the rocks he saw. A couple stalactites hang from the ceiling, stalagmites reaching toward them.

He wince, his head throbbing. Ryu reached up, and as he rubbed it, memories came rushing back to him. Sakura running through the forest. Him following her to make sure she was okay. Shiro and Daichi ambushing them. Being bound by the mind bind jutsu. Sakura running, but Daichi catching her. Watching the mind pain jutsu being used on her. Then the mind pain jutsu being used on him.

"Wait. Sakura!" Ryu whispered under his breath, forcing himself onto his feet.

"Ryu," a familiar voice whispered, fear filling the voice. "Ryu, are you awake? Was that you talking?"

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