Chapter 22. What's wrong?

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A week has gone its been a typical week. Nothing special only that I haven't heard from Kendall. I mean I know I am trying to ignore him a bit but I never knew he would want to ignore me. Lydia's been fine. No more Frankie. Mums has never been better! It's nice to see her smiling again,Leo makes her happy and that's good. He comes over a lot now. I see him time to time and he gives me advice of what I want to do. It was kind of different this week though...

Flashback Last Wednesday

"Hey Leo!"

"Oh hey Nara how are you?"

"Good you?"

"Fine...where's your sister?"

"She is studying, I am just drawing."

"Really!Would you mind..."

"Oh no not at all here."

I hand my folder as he carefully looks at my work only something about his face seems not impressed?


"Wow...I mean you have a real talented..."

His sentence didn't feel as if it was finished.

"Leo...what is it, please its alright if there is something wrong, I would like feedback!"

"Well Nara from the looks of your drawings there all of Manikins with beautiful clothes of drawings of people... Have you ever liked doing different type of well art like maybe collaging or well I don't know it seems to me you are more interested in the clothes Tha the drawing. Seems to me that's what your most passionate about..."

I give him a smile as I thank him. I head upstairs as I stare at my work. Maybe he is right I never really cared much about other things to do with art other than this?

Its been playing with me for a while now... Maybe I should rethink this. As I sit on my bed with my pyjamas a loud knock on my door. Mum is at Leo's and Lydia has gone to see dad I didn't want to go... Who could it be?

I slowly head downstairs as I peak through the hole on my door...its Kendall! What should I do? Oh damn it! I open the door smack on my face his lips on my as I get startled. I push him away as I he smiles.

"Kendall what are you?!"

"Baby sh...just let it!"

"Woah you just called me baby are you drunk!"


I drag him closer as I check his breath. All of a sudden I am pushed to the side as he quickly locks the door picking me up as he carries me upstairs to my. I can't help it but laugh as I tell him to pit me down. He lets me down slowly as he looks calmer now so do I. He is so beautiful! I stay still as he stares into my eyes as do I. He cups his hand around my neck as he comes closer to my lips. His warm lips on me again. The first time I didn't know what was happening but now... He slowly moves his lips to my neck as I begin to moan. He tries to pull up my shirt as I stop him. He looks up as he smiles at me.

"Nara if you don't its okay..." He smiles as he kisses my cheeks softly.


Ding dong! I shoot up as I realise I never left my bed! Omg these weird realistic dreams! They are killing me! Max!!! Urghhh! This time as I head downstairs it was Kendall!!!!!

A/N Omg Omg even I was dying through this. So many new characters soon and about Nara's careers. Something will happen. A big secret! Finding out who real friends are!!!!! Arghh love ya guys remember to vote and comment! Love ya


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