Chapter 1. The beginning

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          "What were you thinking!" Miss Tairsole shouted.

What was I thinking, what was going on in my brain? Ever since dad left everything's been wrong, mums going to kill me! My friends probably hate me for what I made them do after sneaking out and its all his fault! Sometimes  I wish I had never met him, but if I hadn't  I wouldn't be happy like I am now.

I walk out of the head teachers office and see my mum standing outside the door. You can see the anger in her eyes but you can also see worry too. She hasn't been the same either.

  "Don't you start Nara Ebethwidth! You have to stop this, it won't get you anywhere!"

I nod and smile pretending to actually understand her but really I didn't care at all, I just needed to get out of here!

  "I know I am sorry...mum can I still umm.... never mind."

I really wanted to go to the concert with Max but mum would kill me, he is the reason I got in to this mess. I can't even say what happened to Emma and Becky, all I can say right now is that they got in trouble too. Oh yes, where are my manners, I am Nara and this is my crap life. My dad left a year ago and ever since my mum has been single, raising two children. Me and my sister Lydia. I have the worlds most horrendous yet sweet boyfriend and great friends. Well, welcome to the life of a Rulebreaker!

A/N well hello I am Teegomez13 thanks for checking my book out! I really appreciate it! Please vote and comment this is my first book ever enjoy!


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