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I just wanted to say thanks to a few people for what they have done for me. Without them this book wouldn't of got anywhere at all. When I first started Wattpad I wasn't really bothered I thought nobody would want to follow me. So I just read a few books and followed a few friends that I knew. By reading a few books I was inspired to start writing a book. Now probs by next year I will be writting better books but you have to start somewhere. This is my first book btw!! I know its not that good u probs figured. But, I try. I never really knew of anyone would read it well except my besteat friends in the work who read it but till this day doesn't get wattpad!! Still follow her though @heyitsme_reem. However, there was one friend of mine who actually cared. She would like my book comment , vote write stuff on my feed and her feed. She was great and still is. She was there for me from the start. She would always tell me that I am great and beautiful and fab I love @OfficSwift. Then there was a girl who's life was literally wattpad well lets say three girls. Now they were the first one to guide me through wattpad show me everything and basically fangirl over it. "Omg read this and this and this and well...you get the idea. I would be nothing if it weren't for there nagging. I love them in real life too as they are amazing ladies who are my real close friends I love u guys. Oh yeah ones my gf! #Tehnorr4dayz lol @SailorBecky( Fangurl bae) @MabelDrinksSyrup(my gf #tehnoor4dayz) and @flake99p. I love u guys. Another women who is my inspiration and is a wonderful lady who I love and she knows who she is boo! @MewMewOuo I love. A few people who have liked my book and commented wanted to say thanks to.






Thanks @teegomez13

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