Chapter 9. ART4U

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SHIT! I am running late already! I run to my car with a breakfast bar in my hand and drive off! I really need to find an apartment these journeys are way too long. As I enter the center it already looks welcoming. As I enter their stands a beautiful women called...

"VANESSA!" I scream way too loud!

"NARA nice to meet you finally I have heard so much about you come I was waiting for you." She explains to me. She already seems so nice and she is so pretty and young. She is probably the coolest Manager I have ever met she is so nice! As I enter my thoughts are blinded by the glorious pieces of art this is my type of thing I think to myself!

"K babe let's see since your new someone will have to guide you around no who should... I know Kendall!" She shouts.

As I turn around I see him walking towards me. His perfectly quaffed hair and his glistening brown eyes. His smile fills the anxiety inside me.

"Hi my name is Kendall." He speaks softly. Somehow I feel as if I need to be polite. My stomach has butterflies. WAIT! Do I like him!?

"...Hi I am umm...Na...ra!?" I mumble as I try my best to look nice.

As Vanessa mumbles away I can't help but stare his tattoos bulging out of his white t shirt. So many! Not that I don't know what it feels like I have a few tattoos too. As he smiles at me I look away trying not to look like a pervert. As I follow him around I decide to actually talk I try to hold my guard and begin to talk well try!

"So... you live near here or..." I ask

"Oh yeah I just moved in with one of my mates, Tyler he's a dick though!" He jokes around with me as I try to make some more conversation. By the end of the day we are laughing our heads off as we finish the tour around the center we come back to the reception where we met.

"Well see you next week here's my number." He gave me his number!!!!!!

"Thanks here's mine I answer quickly." As I walk away closer to my car I am I just Oh my gosh!!!!!

I turn the radio on blast loud singing along to a random song! Why am I so happy and exited? That moment of meeting Kendall keeps replaying in my brain over over again. Everything that happened today is on replay in my head! What the fuck is going on in my head!

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