Demise [Nick's POV]

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Just a quick warning, this one-shot has some MAJOR feels in it. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm writing this if I know I'll cry. aNYWAY...


"I said put your hands in the air!" He yelled as he aimed his gun at us.

"And I said drop the gun," Judy ordered sternly, never faulting in keeping her voice steady and gun aimed straight even though she was terrified. I could see it in her eyes.

We had been called out immediately by Chief Bogo to stop a grizzly bear from robbing the local Zootopia bank. But, by the time we had gotten there, he already had all of the workers and civilians on the floor. He was holding them hostage.

The tension in the air was unbearable. Who would shoot first? There was no telling apart from the concentration in Judy's eyes. To be honest, I felt kind of useless standing there with my lame taser. I hadn't been trained as a cop to use a professional gun like Judy yet, so the most I got on big cases was a taser.

The bear never dropped his gun, and neither did Judy. Slowly, she began to approach him and he placed her finger on the trigger.

"Sir," Judy said, her voice a little softer as she approached him. "I'm not gonna hurt you unless you drop the gun. All me and my partner want is for you to let the hostages go. Then we can sort this out like civilised adults."

I had no idea how Judy was being so calm. I was already panicking and I wasn't even the one who had a gun pointed at them. But Judy looked focused as heck. Her eyes were set on one thing and one thing only: the bear's gun, and her ears were standing up straight on-top of her head as her brows creased in focus. It was a no brainer that Judy was beautiful, but under pressure I found her even more attractive.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, bunny," he spat, and I saw Judy's grip around the gun tigthen.

I really wanted to say something or do something, but I knew that Judy knew what she was doing. But this guy was really close to crossing the line.

"And why is that?" Judy asked just as backup came.

"Dangit, more cops!" The bear yelled angrily.

Cars from the ZPD pulled up outside the bank and Judy detected sound around her, not knowing it was only reinforcements, and we made the mistake of turning around.

"Forget you lot, I'm out of here!" The bear stated, the sound of a gunshot causing me to whip around.

The bear was gone and there was a hit trail of smoke in the air. I scanned the terrified faces in the bank in search for who had been shot, but none of them seem injured.

"Nick..." Judy said from beside me, grabbing my arm.

I turned my head towards her in worry and I slowly saw her buckling underneath her own weight. She fell on her knees, clutching her stomach with her paws.

"Carrots!" I exclaimed, kneeling down beside her.

My eyes drifted to the spot on her stomach that she was clutching, and I immediately wished they hadn't. Red blood surrounded her blue uniform and covered her paws, sticking to them like glue. I felt my stomach drop as she fell to the floor, the blood beginning to leak out onto the floor.

The hostages began to evacuate, lead by Chief Bogo, but I didn't take my eyes off of Judy. The lively glint in her purple eyes was slowly beginning to fade as she blinked weakly, along with the colour on her face. Her nose twitched as she took in short, sharp breaths, each one getting even more wheezy as the time passed on.

I searched frantically for something that could cover up her bullet wound and stop the bleeding, but there was nothing in sight. I suddenly remembered the police jacket I was wearing and took it off within a heaetbeat. I gently moved Judy's hands away from her wound and pressed my jacket against it. She hissed in pain and I felt tears prick in the corners of my eyes.

The bleeding wouldn't stop. It just kept pouring and pouring, soaking through the jacket and onto my paws, sticking to the fur.

"No, no, no, no!" I exclaimed, frantically searching for something else to cover up the wound with.

"Nick..." Judy spoke weakly, the very sound of her voice fading causing tears to fall from my eyes and roll down my cheeks. "You never cry..." She pointed out, attempting a weak smile.

I smiled in return, wiping away the tears from my eyes.

"I know," I said, sniffling. "You've really done it this time, Carrots," I commented, my voice cracking near the end.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her eyes welling with tears.

"Hey, don't apologise," I cooed, cupping her cheek in my paw.

"Sorry...for having to leave you..." She said, blinking with ill eyes.

I felt my mouth drop open. She wasn't going to leave me, she wasn't. I don't know what I would do if she left me.

"You're not gonna leave me," I whispered, afraid of speaking any louder, as it could cause my voice to crack. "You're not..."

At this point, tears had already filled my eyes and were already falling down my face.

"Hey, what happened to your can do attitude?" I asked, smiling sadly.

I could see Judy was about to answer, as her mouth opened partially. But instead of speaking, she let out a shaky breath before closing her eyes. I felt her body go limp in my arms as her head tilted to the side, her ears drooping carefully to the sides of her head.

"Carrots?" I asked. No reply.

"Carrots!" I yelled, my voice cracking as I did so.

My voice filled the eerie silence around us and I couldn't control the sobs escaping my mouth. I held Judy's lifeless body in my arms and cried into her shoulder until I couldn't cry anymore. Chief Bogo came in and put his hand on my shoulder, giving me a look that said it was time to go.

But how could I leave Judy? If anything, she needed me now more than ever. But I would never know. Because Judy was dead. My bottom lip trembled just at the sight of her, but I managed to stop crying for one second just to kiss her on the forehead before the paramedics finally got here and took her body away.

That was the story of Judy's demise.


Sorry for the weird ending, I didn't know how to end it so I just went along with that.

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